Page 53 of Spring Rains

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“All right, everyone, gather up!” I called out, motioning for the team to huddle around me. The chatter died as they formed a semi-circle, their attention on me, including Fox, who hung at the back, worrying at a lock of blond hair that had escaped his cap.

“I want to talk about Fox,” I began, noticing his surprised expression. “I think we all agree he’s got talent.” I paused for a moment, meeting the eyes of my team. “I’m welcoming Fox to the team. He’ll be a catcher, working in place of Matt. What does everyone think?”

There was a brief silence, a moment of contemplation. Then, one by one, a few of the kids spoke up.

“He’s got skills.” This was from Jemima, one of the best on the team, and someone everyone else respected.

“Yeah, he’s great at catching,” another added, nodding.

There were no dissenting voices, only nods and murmurs of approval. The team was unanimous when they recognized Fox’s skill and potential contribution to our team. Maybe they even sensed a future winning season with Fox on their side.

I turned to Fox, a smile on my face. “Welcome to the team, Fox. We’re glad to have you.”

Fox’s mix of relief and excitement said it all. He was one of us now, and together, we were going to make this season count.

The practice continued, the sound of bats hitting balls and the shouts of encouragement filling the air. I knew adding Fox to the team was the right call. Not just for his skills, but for the new spirit he brought to the game. It was going to be an interesting season.

I really wish Noah was here.

Sunday was lost to family, and riding, and even though I managed a visit to the diner, it was heaving with people, and I sat for an hour at the counter to chat, but Noah and I didn’t get to do much in the way of talking. He’d done this Sunday special plate with beef, roasted vegetables, and a range of tasting side dishes. He’d put a poster in the window announcing that the inaugural Sunday Roast Dinner was twenty percent off, and word spread, and when I left, he was exhausted. I’d tried to help a little, but practice yesterday, plus playing with the kids up at the ranch at Sunday brunch, had killed my remaining energy, and then, Sunday was gone.

I’d grabbed the total of two kisses all day and felt guilty that this was even a thing for me to fret over. So, this morning, I went in for coffee, stole as many kisses as I could, and Monday night found me standing outside the diner after it had closed at five. The day had been long, filled with the usual challenges of school and through all of it, I missed seeing Noah, more than I cared to admit, even to myself.

I used the softest knock, hoping not to disturb Fox, who I knew would be around doing homework. Noah opened the door, his face lighting up when he saw me, and warmth in his gorgeous eyes. It was all I needed to feel at home as he tugged me inside.

We exchanged hellos and quick kisses, but he tugged me back and back, until we found ourselves in the pantry area, surrounded by shelves stocked with supplies for the diner. It seemed as if this was going to be our little haven.

“Maybe we need to put a mattress in here,” I muttered.

Noah stared at me, a playful glint in his eyes. “I wasn’t expecting you tonight,” he said, his voice a soft murmur in the quiet as he pulled the door shut.

I stepped closer, closing the gap between us. “I couldn’t wait until whenever,” I admitted. “I wanted to see you, now.”

His response was a smile, and then, he was in my arms, his lips meeting mine in an incendiary kiss. Our kisses weren’t slow, we didn’t savor the moment, if anything, we were desperate, and I loved every second.

The stool was still in the pantry. I sat down, pulling him closer, and our kisses deepened, fueled by the pent-up longing building up through the day.

With Noah, everything was intensified, the coolness of the room, the faint smell of spices from the shelves, the warmth of his body against mine—it all blended into me wanting himright the fuck now.

His hands were gentle, yet assured, sliding down my back as I pulled him closer. Time seemed to stand still as we lost ourselves in each other. There was a rush, an urgency to be close, and when my orgasm slammed into me, I buried the groan in a deep kiss, holding him as he stiffened and arched into my hand.

“I missed you,” he whispered, and I could only nod, then he chuckled. “But there is no way we could fit a mattress in here. Also, I’m not sure how sanitary it would be to keep doingthisin here.” He bit back a smile, and I kissed it because his lips werethere, and we stayed a while longer, wrapped in each other’s arms.

“When is Fox’s next sleepover?” I joked, and when he stiffened in my arms, I knew I’d messed up. “I didn’t mean?—”

“Fox isn’t someone to be pushed out of the way.” Noah sounded hurt at first, but his expression was frosty, and he extricated himself from my hold. Fuck.

“Wait, no, I was joking.”

We stared at each other, and I could see all this emotion in him, concern, fear, then thank god, acceptance that I was telling the truth.

“Sorry,” he apologized, but that didn’t sit right either, as he grasped my shirt and tried to kiss me. I stopped him with a finger to his lips.

“You shouldn’t be the one saying sorry, that was all on me. It was a stupid throwaway joke.”

“But I?—”

“Nope. Me. I’m sorry,” I said, then kissed him until he relaxed back into my hold, and I was forgiven. “I’m sorry,” I repeated as we kissed goodbye.
