Page 12 of Spider and the Elf

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And then the Cyrva’s hand applied more pressure, and the Velli’s face becamemangled.

And then he was on fire.

He hissed and yelled, the repulsive stench of burning flesh and blood choking me until my tears streamed like rivers down my cheeks. I couldn’t breathe.

And then I couldn’t see the Velli anymore.

He wasgone.

“Don’t look,” the Cyrva told me, but it was too late.

There was nothing for me to look at anymore, only a black spot where the Velli had once stood.

It was like he was erased from this world.

The other Spiders tried to fight back rather than escape, but they both met the same slow, violent end.

The books had said Spiders couldn’t be killed, but they were wrong.

Only Spiders could kill Spiders. And it made sense now.

It took a monster to kill a monster.

I dropped to the ground hurriedly, hunching my body in a crouch, my head lowered and my hands pressed to my ears with all my strength. Their screams and terrifying hisses echoed inside my skull, and I screwed my eyes shut, whimpering at the revolting stench of burning flesh and the way it stung my eyes.

If he could do that to creatures as strong and brutal as him, what would he do to me?

What would happen tome?

I shrieked when I felt hands on me and snapped my head up again, my eyes wide with terror, tears rolling down my cheeks as I waited for him to kill me like he killed them.

But he didn’t kill me.

One huge hand curled around my left wrist, loose enough to not hurt but strong enough to prevent me from escaping. His other hand flattened on my exposed back, and then there was something on my skin; warm, smooth, thick, silky.

Cautiously removing my hands from my ears, I peeked over my shoulder and saw him creating fabric to cover me with his thread.

His palm circled my back until it stopped at my knees and waited, but I huddled into myself and lowered my head again.

The hand on my wrist moved. It went to my nape and pinched, making my head lift sharply. I glared at him, baring my small fangs, and he got the message.

The Cyrva sighed, then he shut his eyes, dark lashes fluttering as his lids lowered.

I didn’t trust him, but I didn’t want to be exposed any longer, so I rushed to place my hands over his eyes, noticing that my small palms couldn’t cover his eyes completely. I decided to press one palm on each eye instead.

“Don’t you dare look,” I warned, pleased that my voice didn’t shake.

His lips curled up faintly at the corners. It was stupid of me to threaten him when I was so vulnerable, but I didn’t want him to think I was that much of an easy kill.

But for whatever reason, it didn’t seem like he wanted to kill me.


“I promise,” he replied, voice lazy and amused.

I still didn’t trust him, but I straightened my posture and stuck out my bleeding chest, flushing to my ears at my half-bare state.

“Hurry up.” I dug my palms into his eyes when his large hand brushed against my right breast. “Don’t touch anything!”

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