Page 124 of Spider and the Elf

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Spiders—Cyrvas, specifically—were such peculiar beings.

My shoulders slumped as I exhaled heavily, a frown etched on my face.

“Do you hate him?” I asked, studying him closely.

Eon paused, hot tongue pressed to the bite on my inner wrist before he resumed his earlier action. “I hate him for hurting you.”

“I didn’t hate it,” I said quickly. “I truly didn’t, so you shouldn’t hate each other.”

Eon paused again before pulling me closer by the back of my neck, his lips brushing mine as his strong gaze silenced me. “You shouldn’t lie to me.”

Even though I was constantly on my feet because of him, anticipating teeth sinking into me or claws ripping my skin with enough pressure to make me recoil, I truly didn’t hate En’s aggressive affection. It was strange. Uncomfortable at times. But not entirely horrible that I hated him or wanted to leave him.

“It’s how he shows his feelings,” I whispered, pressing my body closer to Eon’s. “At first, it was horrible and agonising to experience, but last night wasn’t any of that. Maybe a little discomfort and a sting here and there, but I liked it. I mean it. He pleased me. En may become too much at times, but I don’t hate him for it, and you shouldn’t either.”

Eon lowered his eyes and breathed deeply. I pulled him into my arms and snaked them around his neck, gently playing with his hair as he pressed his face into my neck, his wet tongue running over the broken flesh.

“He’s a part of you, and you’re a part of him.” I smiled and closed my eyes, enjoying his warmth and strong arms around me. “I accept both, and I want both.”

He held me tighter, his heartbeat thudding softly against my chest.

Eon had healed me many times before, but this time was different. His touch was soft and fleeting, innocent yet teasing because he knew he was making memelt. His tongue on my chest, however, was far from innocent; rolling over my breasts with the excuse of mending my damaged flesh, teeth lightly skimming my hardened nipples.

I breathed his name enough for him to understand what he was making me feel, but he moved on as if it was simply himrepairingme.

He smiled and purred, depending on how far my neck stretched back or how quickly my spine arched, how hard my hands gripped his hair or how suddenly I would twitch and gasp.

His tongue on my inner thighs was even worse, and heknew.

“On your stomach,” he instructed once he sealed the final bite on my left calf, his tongue stroking my flesh leisurely as if I wasn’t panting and writhing and glaring.

“Mean,” I huffed, chest rising and falling quickly as I shook my head.

Eon snickered, his signature half-suppressed laugh lighting his eyes, the pretty dents on his cheeks becoming visible as he pursed his lips.

My muscles melted even further at the sight, ears curling lower under my hair.

“I’ll be nice,” he promised, his ruby eyes glimmering as he slowly rose up my body, his warm skin on mine making every muscle in me clench. “Be good for me, and I will reward you after.”

I pursed my lips, turning my head to the side, not allowing his soft voice to melt me any further.

His lips brushed my left cheek, tongue gently dragging from my jaw to just below my eye. I puffed my cheeks, hardening my resolve by clenching my fingers around his hair.


It was far from pleading and everything but requesting. He was playing, the twitch of his mouth against my flesh enough proof for me to believe so.

“You’re teasing me,” I mumbled, still looking away.

His smile widened against my skin. “I’m not. I’ll do anything you want.”

I huffed again, pursing my lips once more because a smile was threatening to break my determination.

Rolling my blue eyes, I turned on my stomach, raising my chest with my forearms flat on the ground, fists clenching when I felt his lips on the back of my neck.

Eon licked and kissed my back as he slid down, his hands wandering over my body with that heat.

Only when I was completely healed did he stop, sitting back and pulling me along with him. I shrieked as I pressed his robe to my front, blushing up to my pointy ears because I was the only one still naked. He had his black pants on.
