Page 21 of Spider and the Elf

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His expression wasstillcalm. Unreadable.

He crawled closer to me and gently nudged my chest until I was on my back beneath him. His big hand was still cupping my cheek, slowly trailing down to caress my jaw and then to my neck while his other hand kept him up. He was careful, and I observed quietly.

Until he decided to wrap his big hand around my small neck and apply a little pressure, his ruby eyes staring down at me with that fierce fire.

My eyes widened, and I stared up at him with a mixture of annoyance and fear. I curled both of my hands around his wrist, trying to remove his hand from my neck.

He was displaying his dominance,usingit against me.


“Kenia,” he interrupted me, and I tensed at the way my name rolled off his tongue. He’d whispered it like a threat. “Mine.”

I was not his. He had no right to say that about me, but if I told him that, he might see it as me daring him to link me to him. But this was not something I could be silent about.

“E-Eon, don’t—”

“Mine,” he repeated, slowly bringing his face closer to mine.

“No!” I yelled, curling my upper lip back to expose my top fangs and show him that I was clearly denying him.

He mirrored my gesture, baring his larger fangs at me and narrowing his eyes, effectively silencing me with his unspoken threat. He kept his eyes on me as he lowered his face closer until his nose brushed my own. My heart thumped wildly. My body was shaking and my grip on his wrist tightened.

“You’remyElf, Kenia,” he murmured.

I shook my head slowly.

He hissed—low and grating to my ears—before slamming his lips against mine.

The shock of the action stunned me into stillness. I didn’t respond. I didn’t know what to do. His warm lips were on my lips, and they moved with purpose. I squirmed beneath him, squeezing his thick wrist in my hands because he was too heavy. Too warm.

He tasted the way I imagined fire would taste. Smokey. Hot. Slithering under my skin and clouding my mind, making me fidget with discomfort because what was he doing and why?

His hand applied more pressure on my neck, and I parted my lips instinctively. I jolted when histongueslipped into my mouth, and I jolted again when our tongues rubbed together. My shoulders rose, my fingers digging into his wrist. He was too warm against me—too warm and foreign, from his large, seeking tongue that hardly fit in my mouth to his skin to his exhalations that fanned my flesh and made it feel like I would soon melt. And to make it all worse, my instincts crawled under my skin at how he dominated me without my consent.

This male was a stranger. He wasn’t a mate or a potential one, and his arrogant touch and claim on me made me want to claw at him.

I whined my discomfort and squirmed underneath him again until I caught sight of his half-closed eyes. They were hooded, fire swaying in them as he glared down at me.

I was panting and sweating, and my mouth was starting to feel numb. When I twisted my head to the side, he allowed me that escape, and I used the opportunity to inhale lungfuls of crisp air. The Cyrva watched me silently as his nose caressed my right cheek, his warm exhales tickling me. His face was still close—too close—and I didn’t like it. I didn’t like how he hovered over me like this, his huge frame caging me beneath him.

I arched my neck, stretching to have a better look at the sky. It was beginning to get darker. The shape of my trading bag nudged into my back, and I belatedly realised it was crushed beneath me. I tensed, a grimace twisting my face before I remembered that most of the items were safe in those magical compressing tins.

I rolled my eyes when I felt Eon’s warm tongue on my throat, sliding across and wetting my skin slowly. Was thereevera time that he didn’t feel the need to touch me in some way? Clearly not, and I still didn’t understand why. There were many things about him that deviated from what the books told, and that made it more difficult to interpret his actions or watch mine to not set him off.

“Move away from me, Spider,” I warned, scratching my nails against his large wrist, which still held me in place.

I froze when he whined, nuzzling the right side of my neck.

Why was he always so sweet right after so mean? I didn’t understand him one bit—I wasn’t sure if Iwantedto understand him.

“Eon,” I urged, feeling my frustration grow. I yelped when he gently nibbled on the skin of my neck with his sharp teeth. He grinned and continued.

He was a child. He was a fifty Blue Moons child.

“Will I see you again tomorrow?”

“Why do you keep asking that when you know Ihaveto come back?” I asked, finally managing to push him away—I believed he moved on his own but made me think that I was able to move him.
