Page 25 of Spider and the Elf

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I gawked as some Fairies poked their heads out from their windows to watch us, and my eyes widened further when I glimpsed a few children. Even their young looked ethereal, and even they possessed such mesmerising wings that made my chest flutter with giddiness.

My group continued walking, and soon the dwellings thinned until we reached what looked like a play area for the males.

And there were a lot of them, each with such jaw-dropping beauty that I found my skin warming as I glanced around. My group wasn’t doing any better, sighing softly and fidgeting on their feet at the sight of all that enticing skin and beautiful wings.

“My lady Elf!” A melodic voice shouted before a male with luscious black hair, blue eyes, and enchanting wings stood before our group. He wore dark bluish-black pants that matched the colour of his eyes, hair, and wings—wings that were huge and outlined with black and curving at the top. A mixture of blue and black swirled throughout, and the detailing looked oddly like stormy skies.

We shared only one thing with the Fairies and that was the ears. The only difference was that the Fairies had slightly longer and bigger ears than us since they were physically taller and bigger than us.

Giggles and soft squeals snapped me out of my thoughts. Pyria walked out elegantly, placing her right hand over her mark and bowing slightly, her eyes never leaving the male who watched her with pure adoration.

I pursed my lips to suppress my growing smile. He was so sweet, and I adored sweet things, and he wasn’t even mine.

“You are too obvious.” Keia picked at my ear. I hissed quietly, rubbing my skin.

“He’s too pretty,” I mumbled, puffing out my cheeks.

He mirrored Pyria’s greeting, placing his hand over his mark and bowing to her, his eyes on her only. He then stepped back and watched Pyria with an expectant gaze.

This must be where she returns her answer,I mused, squinting my eyes at her as she twisted her hands in an enchanting way, her head falling back.

She would answer to him with a dance.

All the remaining males began to leave, none of them looking at her. My group dispersed as well, and I watched as the males all flew away, except one who watched me with a smile.

A wide grin stretched my lips, and I waved my arm quickly in greeting while Keia moved to rest on my head.

The white-haired male walked over to me. I took that as my chance to whirl around and run. He laughed behind me, smooth and velvety, and I nearly tripped had it not been for him hurriedly catching me in his strong arms.

Snow steadied me on my feet with that easy smile. “You are back so soon.”

I shrugged my shoulders, still grinning. “And if I said I missed you?”

His head tipped back as he let out a genuine laugh that warmed me. “Humour me, lady Elf.”

“Are you mocking me?” I huffed, crossing my arms over my stomach.

“Mock you?” He blinked, his smile growing. “I would never.”

“Right?” I tilted my chin up, my cheeks aching from grinning so wide. “I knew you would understand the value of seeing me so soon.”

He shook his head with another laugh, this one quieter yet still entertained, and it warmed me further to know I did that. His gaze softened like the pretty smile on his face as he inclined his head. “It is a delight to see you again, Kenia.”

My chest puffed, my grin easing into a shy yet pleased smile. “You too. I’m glad to see you again.”

His lovely wings fluttered behind him, and my attention snagged on them a few times as we walked away from the play area in comfortable silence.

Males had larger wings than the females; they didn’t look as delicate, yet they still captivated any outsider who was blessed enough to witness their magnificence. Snow’s wings were truly a blessing. They were soft and pale with their white and yellow tones, like sunlight shimmering on thawing snow.

Everything about him resembled his name.

“Your mark,” he said as we ambled. “Do you manipulate water?”

“Yes, but only if I was near it. I cannot summon it from thin air like you do, but I can control it to my will.”

He hummed, tilting his head. “What can you do with it?”

“A variety of things. Form water shields, make it take the shape of my hands, fade into it, and so on.”
