Page 26 of Spider and the Elf

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Snow turned his head in my direction with an intrigued expression. “Fade into it? As in become one with it?”

I nodded. “Exactly that.”

“Then I say your gift is more impressive than mine.”

A small laugh escaped me as I shook my head. “But you can do so much more, and you possess magic. And wings.”

While we talked, I noticed some of the females I’d arrived with speaking to some of the male Fairies. Relia, for one, wouldn’t stop blushing and giggling, and the pretty male grinning at her didn’t take his golden eyes off her, his gold and purple wings slowly rippling behind him—in a way to attract her, I realised.

I sighed, smiling at the sight before a group of Fairies flew over us. Tilting my head, I watched them play-wrestle and circle each other, flipping in loops around their laughing friends. They moved like they were in water, like gravity didn’t hold any meaning, like being in the air gave them more freedom than being on the ground.

“What is it like to fly?” I voiced my curiosity, still watching them spinning in the air. “I bet it’s terrible to have your feet off the ground for so long.”

Snow stopped and faced me. “Would you like to know for yourself?”

I stopped and glanced at his wings, then glanced at my feet. The weight of my body and the heavy pull of the ground suddenly became the centre of my focus. I eyed his wings again and gave a slow, small nod.

“It won’t be bad, I promise.” His white, yellow-glowing hair swished as he shook his head. “I’ll hold you tightly.”

Snow opened his arms, and I took that as a sign to walk into them, suppressing the sigh that wanted to voice itself as those strong arms engulfed me. His skin was firm against my soft one. When the bare flesh of my belly came in contact with his, I felt my face warming further.

He beat his wings, once, twice, three times before my feet disconnected from the ground that seemed to pull me back. I panicked and clung to Snow tighter, and he laughed as I squeezed my legs around one of his thighs.

“What was the point of all this if you were going to close your eyes?” He patted my back with one hand, his voice mirthful.

I clung to him tighter, exhaling a shaky breath. Keia’s chirps soothed me slightly, and slowly, I peeled my eyes open to have a peek only to squeak and almost strangle the soul out of Snow.

We were high, higher than the trees. Cool air grazed my skin as Snow moved smoothly, floating over trees thathummedas we flew by them. A kaleidoscope of green and orange and white butterfliesgiggledas they fluttered near us—such exuberant and high-pitched giggles that reminded me of children. I gawked at them as they teased Snow’s pale hair, some tangling themselves in my blue strands while they circled me. A shriek escaped me when their ticklish little limbs skated along the exposed flesh of my arms, and their giggling became more frantic and higher in pitch.

Snow shook with a peal of laughter, grinning when I dragged my attention back to him.

“I told you it wouldn’t be so bad.” His green eyes glittered as he gazed down at me, white hair swaying with the gentle breeze while his brilliant wings flickered with the silent elegance of the butterflies hovering around us. And that smile he gave me, so warm and sweet and…

“Beautiful,” I decided. Because if there was one word to describe Snow, it would be just that.

Snow closed his eyes, his head slowly coming towards me until he touched his forehead to mine. His warmth wrapped around me, and then a familiar pull tugged at me before my feet landed on solid, flat ground again. Tension I hadn’t been aware of eased from my shoulders as I inhaled a steady breath even though a part of me missed the feeling of that short-lived freedom. But I grinned up at the Fairy, wide and toothy and full of gratitude.

Snow’s lovely wings twitched and slowly caved over his head as the white-haired Fairy held me gently. “Has anyone impressed you, Kenia?”

My grin faltered.

Snow’s hold on me loosened as I stepped out of his arms. The loss of his warmth dotted my skin with goosebumps, and I fiddled with my fingers under his patient gaze.

“I… I’m too young for a mate,” I said. I still had a little over a century before I reached maturity and the urge to mate.

He nodded. “I know. But that doesn’t mean I cannot hope for you to be mine before someone else, true?”

My heart thumped. Snow was a pretty male—I was truly honoured the Fairy deemedmeworthy to be his mate, but… it didn’t feel right. He was lovely, but he didn’t feel right to me.

I took a step back and shook my head slowly. “I can’t. There could be a Fairy or an Elf that you’d desire one day. I don’t wish for our friendship to fool you.”

WasIfooling him? I hated myself for lacking experience because I could be fooling others with my overly friendly ways. I didn’t wish for people to mistake my kindness for an invitation.

He laughed quietly. “So, we can only be friends?”

My heart clenched. “I—”

“Do not apologise, Kenia.” He placed a warm hand on my head and patted. “I value you. I value being your friend, so your friendship is no burden. If my feelings for you intensify, I’ll inform you so you can either walk away or return your answer.”
