Page 29 of Spider and the Elf

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I placed my palms on his head and leaned in to gently press my lips under one of his eyes.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

He purred louder and blinked all eyes. I couldn’t comprehend how he could do that. I thought Spiders didn’t have eyelids and so they couldn't blink. But he could. Somehow, he was able to blinkalleyes together at the same time if he wanted.

“Thank you for helping my companion and me,” I murmured against his dark skin. “But I will head back now.”

Eon hissed and raised a limb to pull me into him, twisting his head to the side so I was caged between… I believed his shoulder and his head.

I panicked and tried to wiggle my way out, but he turned his head more, burying me deeper into him.

“You don’t understand! My companion ishurt!”I explained, stroking my palm against his skin to persuade him.

Eon watched me with his blazing eyes before he nodded once. Confusion etched itself on my face for a moment before one of his long limbs wrapped around my middle and hoisted me up. My face twisted, and I squirmed as the fine hairs on his leg tickled me.

But when I remembered that those tiny hairs could release poison from his body if he wanted, I stilled, sobering up with a sniffle and a blink.

He moved me slowly to sit behind his head—maybe his shoulders if he had any—and hissed quietly. I nodded, understanding him somehow and held on tightly.

He crawled to take Keia in his mouth and secured his hold on her.

And I shouldn’t, but I trusted him.

Eon crawled to the tall dark cliff and then began to pull himself up. I flattened myself against him and held him tighter, grimacing as my ribs twinged.

His muscles moved under me, pressing into me so closely that I felt their outline and strength like ripples in water.

When we reached his land, he picked me up from his back and settled me down on the grass, placing Keia in my palms and bowing his head for a moment before he crawled to his cave.

I pulled Keia to my face and lightly nuzzled her. Standing strained my ribs. Each breath felt like a blade slicing into me. So how did she feel, she with the smaller and weaker bones, her body lacking the flesh and muscles that shielded me?

That Spider didn’t care how badly he’d hit her or if he caused her pain. He didn’tcare. She hadn’t been his target because she was too small to satisfy his hunger. All he saw was a meal—rightfully so, considering our placements in the world.

And I was an outsider here. Killing me was the natural—and expected—reaction.

“Let me heal her.”

I jumped with a small noise of start, turning to see Eon sitting before me on the ground with his legs crossed. Nodding, I approached and carefully lowered myself before gently setting Keia in his extended palm. Our fingers brushed accidentally, and I felt how warm he was, my skin tingling with a pleasant feeling that nearly curled my pointy ears.

Keia looked like a pebble in his big palm as his left moved to cover her entirely.

Intense heat flared against my stomach. I gasped, hunching over with my arms coiled around my middle. It burned a little, but it wassoothing,and it made my eyes droop, the tension steadily seeping out of me until the pain was replaced by numbness, the area tingling slightly.

Slumping a little, I lifted my head and found Eon watching me intently.

“I can feel everything she feels,” I explained.

He continued staring. “Where else are you hurting?”

“My left side, where my ribs are.”

It felt the same; it was soothing enough that I wanted to curl up and sleep while he did what he did, my bones almost melting with bliss.

Then it all stopped. No more heat. No more numbness.

No more pain.

I could breathe normally again without feeling like my ribs would crumble into my lungs.
