Page 42 of Spider and the Elf

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“I understand.”

It took me a while to reach a nearby river, but the closer I got, the less tension my shoulders carried. Being near my element was soothing enough, but I needed more than comfort. I could only think so much and understand so much in this form.

Without removing my clothes, I walked to the edge and quickly dipped into the water, letting my element pull me down, down, down until it was wrapped all around me.

I breathed in, pure air invading my nostrils instead of water. Each breath I inhaled became calmer, slower, clearer. My racing thoughts slowed like the liquid particles around me, which continued slowing until they stopped so that the water was no longer moving.

My skin glowed a light aqua colour, almost clear. Slowly, it began to fade until it wore the colour of the pure, clean water—until I was nothing more than glowing blue eyes and pastel blue strands radiating and floating around nothing. No skin, no fingers, no feet, no limbs.

I had become one with my element.

Ihad become my element.

In moments like these, my thoughts were not a tangle of scenarios and possibilities but rather unbiased reason and solutions. So I thought about my dilemma with the Spider. I thought about the emotions I felt when I was with him and the things I learned and discovered. I thought about how he challenged my awareness of the world and how he engaged in negotiations with me. How he listened. How he waited. How he repeatedly showed me kindness a predator like him wasn’t known to have.

He was an abnormality.

Being with him was an adventure. Being with him was dangerous. Being with him was exciting and worrying.

Being with him was…

The water particles began to move again. I returned to the sight of my flesh coming back to me. I felt weaker—as weak as I normally was. The glow of my hair dimmed slightly but remained there until I got out of the water. I kicked my legs and rose to the surface, breathing in cold air as I got out of the river.

When I found Keia waiting for me by the edge, a broad smile split my face.

“Was I gone for too long?”

“It was worth it.” Keia squeaked. “Did you find what you sought?”

“Yes, and I feel much better.” I looked at her apologetically, and she shook her head.

“So, what to do?”She fluttered her green wings to rise off the ground, flying closer to nudge my nose with her beak.

My relaxed smile stretched into a wide grin, all teeth and mischief. “We sneak out of the ritual.”

Keia pecked my nose and flipped in the air, releasing a loud shriek. “I thought no less.”


Now that my nerves had been eased, Pyria’s bonding ritual came slower than I’d wanted. I’d gone through many outfits and changed the style of my hair more than I could count on both hands by the time everything was ready.

“Kenia, some of y—”

I turned as I slipped my flower crown on, seeing my older brother in my room. His mouth hung low as he stared at me, his companion resting on his shoulder.

“I don’t look presentable?” I frowned, looking down at my outfit and then into the bowl of water to see my reflection. A lively red chest band with yellow tulips, green leaves, and curving vines. The skirt was short, tight and of the same colours and design. My flower crown was of yellow tulips while my sandals were the same red as my clothes. My hair was flowing in its natural waves, and it smelled heavenly thanks to the herbs I’d used. I’d also eaten a herb moments ago which made my cheeks rosy and my lips a subtle red.

I thought I looked pretty.

“No, you look—ah, who’s going with you, again?” His startled expression turned flat.

“Not you?” I thought he’d come with me since mother wasn’t.

He scoffed. “You dream I wouldn’t.”

I laughed, calling for Keia to follow me.

I pressed my lips to my mother’s cheek and then my father’s, briefly embracing them and exchanging scents with them before hurrying out of our home. Hopping down to the ground, I found my brother along with some of his friends and a group of females waiting for me.
