Page 43 of Spider and the Elf

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“Oh, curse me,” Ayen mumbled.

I turned in time to see my brother throwing him a warning look.

“Eyes off,” Faelyn warned, walking to me before draping an arm over my shoulders. I grinned and poked my tongue at a pouting Ayen.

He gasped and pointed at me. “Faelyn, look!”

“I didn’t do anything!” I defended quickly, catching the females moving away. I looked up at my brother. “I’ll go with them.”

He nodded, then leaned down to softly press his lips to my forehead. I gave Ayen a wave which he returned before I jogged the short distance to the other females, choosing to follow behind them to listen to their conversation.

“… then he asked me if I’ve been impressed before and when I said no, he wondered how a charming flower was yet not picked!”

They squealed, their animated chatter making me giggle.

One of them, brown hair and blue eyes—Irma—saw me first. Her pale hand reached and tugged me to her side, her arm winding around my shoulders.

“Look at her.” She grinned, drawing the others’ attention to me. “I will wager my dinner that she’d catch someone’s eye tonight.”

“No!” Came a collective of horrified gasps, making my cheeks burn.

“Not precious Kenia! She’s too young!”

“I don’t care how pretty a Fairy is. I will fight them if they make a move on her.”

“Let her grow in peace, you lot.”

“Stop, you’re embarrassing her!”

My shoulders hunched, and I curled into myself as I raised my hands to cover my burning face while they shrieked and laughed their delight.

My brother and Ayen werebehindus.

Thankfully, the females settled as we approached the portals. While they all avoided looking at a certain arch, I couldn’t stop myself from sneaking glances. My chest pinched, and that yearning threatened to choke me again.

Entering the Fairies’ world this time made our entire group pause. Hushed gasps and murmured awes echoed around me. It was always a delight, always a surprise, never the same sight.

The land was decorated with more colours than the previous times I’d visited. Those giggling butterflies flapped over us, and as the gigantic trees swayed with the gentle air, they hummed a tune together, their varying voices blending harmoniously.

The other females did much better at schooling their admiration than me. Irma kept gently tugging me along, though she and the rest slowed their pace so I could take in our surroundings. While I was empty-handed, the others carried gifts and some of Pyria’s belongings.

Soon, we found where the ritual was to be held. It was close to the Fairies’ homes, and the area was adorned with flowers and pretty lanterns. Most Fairies stayed on their feet, their pretty wings twitching behind them. It was a sea of colours and shapes and designs, and I couldn’t stop looking.

When they noticed the new group of guests who came, they smiled. Some Fairies grinned and bowed with their eyes fixed in certain spots, their right palms on their marks.

I guessed many would be lucky tonight.

I didn’t stay to see Pyria being taken to her mate—the ritual itself wasn’t exactly my reason for coming. Curiosity did simmer inside me, and I did want to see how the Fairies did their rituals, but it wasn’t as strong as my need to see someone.

I looked at Keia.If you see Snow, tell me.

She nodded her small head, then began to make her way around. Waiting back, I glanced around me a few times before sneakily slipping away from the growing crowd. I needed to get this done swiftly so I could pay my Spider a visit.

One chance. I would take one chance, and if he didn’t want to see me anymore…

I couldn’t be hurt by it. We were from two different worlds—two different species entirely. His kind was considered an enemy for mine. Even a friendship sounded impossible.

Still. Even if I could only see him one more time, I’d take it.
