Page 80 of Spider and the Elf

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“However, if it came down to one decision… make no mistake, little Elf.” His grip on my shoulders tightened, his tone firm and final, allowing no argument. “Wewillchooseyou.”

Breathing out a heavy sigh, I closed my eyes, my voice so little as I repeated, “I know.”

Between their mate and their young, Spiders most often chose their mate. They did not get to raise their children all the time. Some would stay with their young until a certain age; others would abandon their young directly after birth. Well,abandonwasn’t exactly the word. It was their way of life, a tendency ingrained in them since the beginning of their existence.

En drew back, straightening his spine as he sat up. His palm slid up to my cheek, long fingers curling around the back of my head, his thumb so close to my left ear. He slanted my head back until I was forced to look up at him with my throat completely exposed, though that didn’t seem to be his goal.

And under that burning gaze, in the arms of a predator my people feared, vulnerability gripped me hard. Not the vulnerability that came with my nature and being the prey, but from… needing to be comforted by him. Needing to just… voice my sorrow.

“That female Cyrva,” I said, pressure growing in my chest and my bottom lip trembling already. He watched with yet another unreadable expression as my eyes watered. “She… she burned my parents. Burned my people. Took them away from me all because she wanted me gone.”

I thought I’d shed enough tears by now. That I’d finally calmed down enough to not crumble at the mere thought of my loss. But grief still rolled down my face, warm tears irritating my skin.

En narrowed his fiery eyes, the flames in them flickering steadily. As his hand was still holding my cheek, his thumb idly brushed under my eye, smearing my tears over my cheek. “Cyrva females will eliminate anything if they think it threatens their claim on something.”

Sniffling, I leaned into his touch. “What does that mean?”

“She always wanted to own Eon. Always thought she had a claim and right to him.” A vicious grin bared his sharp teeth. Had his demeanour not been relaxed and his touch somewhat mild, I would have shrieked and fled. “I am pleased I finally had a reason to get rid of her. She’d stretched my threads thin enough.”

I didn’t fully understand him, but I understood the malice in his eyes. The violent cheer in his voice. The smug, satisfied tilt to his lips as he bared his fangs, like he’d done something great. Something to gloat and boast about.

And the way he looked at me, like he’d done me a huge favour.

Like he’d saved my life.

Despite the tears rolling down my face, I giggled, then shattered into a fit of laughter, and that laughter was pleased and pained and watery all at once.

“Th-thank you,” I hiccuped, still not sure if I was laughing or crying. But my tears were easing, lessening as the thorn in my throat finally dislodged itself.

Because even though it wouldn’t change a thing, even though it wouldn’t bring my parents back, he’d erased the monster for me.

Snuffed out that blaze that had scorched so many innocents.

En stared at me the whole time, his fiery eyes unblinking. He smeared my tears around again, almost like he wanted to still see them and not get rid of them. I didn’t know how to interpret his expression because it was suddenly blank.

But then he said, in the most nonchalant and unbothered voice I’d ever heard, “Anyone who dares to even think about harming you will become a feast for my land.”

My breath stuttered, the smile falling from my lips as En drew his thumb to his mouth and licked the remnants of my tears with a slow, indulgent swipe. He hummed, low and deep. The pleased sound made me shiver, and then he tugged me closer, leaned down, and flicked his hot tongue all over my face to lick my tears away.

Flustered, I stayed frozen, tense yet warm because he surrounded me—his scent and touch and heat. I didn’t know what this display was, if he was comforting me or showing affection or just seeking the taste of my tears. Not much else was known about the Spiders other than the general knowledge of their nature, their tendencies, known behaviour, and how to deal with them safely should one ever find themselves in an unfortunate situation.

Personal and intimate information like this? Nonexistent.

So I stayed still, waiting until he withdrew on his own. I was too warm by them, quivering a little, watching him nervously.

“Such an interesting look on your small face,” he mused, grazing the tip of his claw along the edge of my jaw. I shivered and gulped. En smirked. “Shall I continue?”

I fidgeted with the hem of my skirt, feeling the warmth under my face bloom.

Careful, I thought. He seemed playful right now, but this was a Cyrva. I was in his arms.

“I need to go back,” I told him meekly, briefly meeting his gaze from under my lashes before looking away. “Please heal my wounds.”

He followed without protest, knowing that even though it wasn’t midnight, it was beyond time for me to return to my world. He didn’t take long to seal my wounds and repair my skin, though he did take his time when he reached my chest and neck, his heated tongue languidly soothing and tasting my skin.

I called to Keia in my head, smiling with relief when she flew out from a nearby tree. I knew she didn’t go too far away, just far enough to allow En and me some privacy.

En insisted on walking me to the portals. It wasn’t necessary, but maybe he wanted to extend our time together or ensure I left his world safely.
