Page 81 of Spider and the Elf

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The stroll back to the portals with En by my side was strange, if not a little unnerving. It made me more aware of his presence, especially since we were the only beings heading in this specific direction.

His silence also put me on edge. He walked close beside me, huge and powerful and dangerous. It should have made me feel safe, but despite all of that and the soothing warmth radiating from him, my spine couldn’t be any stiffer.

Normally, I’d be sprinting to the portals after my visit to Eon, but walking this slowly made my unease heighten. I’d never truly realised just how quiet and vast and dark this world was at night. How so many other creatures lurked under the cover of leaves and dangled from vines. I was always in a rush to notice these things, but now, every hoot, every screech and rustle made my pulse lurch in my chest. En had to have smelled my fear and heard my nervousness in the way I gasped whenever something startled me, but he never said a word or looked at me.

Had I upset him somehow?

That possibility made me swallow hard.

When we finally reached the gates, I caved in and said, “I’m truly sorry it took so long.”

Another beat of silence.

My pulse drummed harder, louder. I knew he could hear it.

I bit my bottom lip and fiddled with my fingers.

“This is your last time.”

I frowned. When I continued staring at him, En turned to face me, his expression hard and unforgiving. He took a step towards me until he was so close I could almost taste his lovely scent on my tongue again.

I also had to crane my neck to look up at him.

“The next time you come back to me, be prepared.” His face drew closer until his lips skimmed the length of my left ear. Their warmth, along with his calm, heated exhales, sent a tremor down my spine, leaving my bones tense and my skin covered in prickles.

“Because, little Elf.” I felt andheardhis mouth opening as he inhaled my scent, the sharp tips of his fangs faintly grazing the flesh of my ears. “The next time you step through this portal will be your last.”

I froze, physically feeling the blood drain from my head as his teeth continued to caress my skin.

I’d known Eon—En’s—patience would run out eventually, but I didn’t think it’d be this soon.

When he withdrew, there was no amusement or teasing on his face. I flinched from the sudden harsh grip on the back of my neck, and when he gave a gentle squeeze that knocked my airflow for a moment, I stiffened. When his grasp on my nape began to tighten to an uncomfortable pressure, I let out a choked hiss. Even without seeing, I knew he was leaving bruises he was unwilling to heal.

Keia screeched at En, but he ignored her as if she weren’t there.

“Otherwise…” His upper lip curled back as he flashed his knife-like teeth, his blazing eyes narrowing and his features morphing into a frightening expression as his palm began to squeeze a little too hard.

“I willcrushyour pretty little legs.”

If my bones could tense any further, they would have crushed themselves on their own without his help. Even though I was trying to stay as still as possible to not provoke him further, violent trembles ran up and down my body.

When I didn’t respond, he let out a sound close to a growly hiss. “Do you understand?”

“Ye-yes!” I squeaked when Keia nipped his wrist. “Can’t b-breathe!”

“That’s the point,” he drawled, slowly releasing my neck. I gasped in deep breaths, coughing and wheezing as I gently touched my sore neck with quivering fingers.

“Y-You…” I panted. “What is wrong w-with you?”

Those fiery eyes gave me a cold, narrowed look before he humphed.

My teeth clenched tight as I stood straighter, rolling my shoulders to ease the lingering tension.

En watched me, and then a smirk grew on his lips, his hard eyes brightening.

“Well then. Time for you to go, little Elf.”

I frowned at his sudden cheerfulness, preparing to take a step back. He moved faster, grabbing my shoulders and turning me to face the gate leading to my world. My frown deepened. I opened my mouth to tell him that wasn’t the portal I took back home before I blanched, his intentions battering me like a hundred falling stones.
