Page 20 of Abel

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"Your thumb on my clit as you fuck me. That's all I need."

His jaw is ticking as he pumps into me. I hook my leg around his waist, and we slide together, each hurtling toward the orgasm we both want so badly. Out of nowhere, it crashes through my body, and he grunts loudly as I tighten around him.

Panting, he collapses into me, and now that I can finally move my arms, I wrap them around him. Our hearts pound together, and now that I've had a night with Abel, I know without a doubt I'm ruined for anyone else.



The next morning, I wake up with Kara in my arms. She stirs as my alarm goes off, both of us groaning. I reach over and grab it, fumbling before finally silencing it.

"How is it early enough to have to get up for work already?" She groans, burying her face in my neck.

I palm her head, before tilting my head down and giving her a kiss on the top of the head. "I wish we were rich enough so we didn't have to go to work."

She pulls back, before glancing up. "Maybe one day. I mean, my YouTube and streaming income is paying off the small business loan I got to start the truck. Once I get that taken care of, I'll be able to do a lot more."

"I have no doubt that you can do anything you put your mind to." She amazes me with her mind, and the desire she has to make all her dreams come true.

A bright smile spreads across her face. "Thank you. For a long time, nobody believed in me, but myself. I had to learn to be my biggest cheerleader, and not listen to others who don't believe I can do hard things. It's kind of weird for me to have someone who cares."

"I care a lot." I push her hair back behind her shoulder. "More than I probably should this early on, but I wear my heart on my sleeve." And seems to not be able to keep my damn mouth shut.

"I like that about you, Abel. In my family we're not supposed to show our emotions. It's hard for me to do it even now. Watching how you aren't scared to express how you're feeling, it gives me hope that maybe one day I'll be able to do that"

She's struggling even saying the words. They were pushed out with shaky breaths and her lips twitched as she said them. "You can thank my dad for that. He's never been scared to express himself. I've always seen him as the biggest badass there ever was. He never made me feel like it wasn't manly to talk about things, or to tell someone I love them."

"You're really lucky to have your dad. I hear how amazing he is from Alexis all the time."

I roll my eyes, but it's good-natured. "She probably has better things to say about him than even I do. They are so in love it's sickening, but I'm so happy for both of them."

"So, is it true that your dad never did more than one night with a woman until Alexis?" She questions, disentangling herself from my arms.

We both reluctantly get up from the warm covers. "Shit, it got cold overnight." I run my hands up and down my arms. "Should've turned the heat on."

Kara looks out the window. "Looks like it was a hard frost too. This is when I wish I had a remote start on my SUV."

"I'll start it for you after I get dressed, and ready," I offer. The floor is warm as I walk over to my dresser, and I'm thankful for the foresight to put in heated floors. "But to answer your question, he's never had a girlfriend that I know of."

“Abel, I hate to ask you this, but can you please go get my bag out of my car? I carry a bag with me that has a change of clothes, my makeup, and my hair stuff.” She puts her hands on her hips as I tilt my head, brows coming together in disbelief. She hurries to explain. “Because sometimes I do catering events and I need to look presentable. So, I can change and get ready here if that's okay with you.”

My eyes are wide, as I shake my head. “You have what?” Thewhatcomes out like Scooby Doo, which sometimes happens when I’m really surprised about something. “It's like you carry a walk-of-shame bag in your car,” I laugh.

“I mean, some people would think that, but it's literally for work. I swear it's not like I'm out here having a walk-of-shame with some guy every night. Or even girl, because Alexis and I can party with the best of them. I promise you that.”

“Oh, I have no doubt you and Alexis can party with the best of them. I've seen you two at the bar and need I remind you about Halloween?” I wink. “Or even last night.” Her cheeks flush pink as her eyes look me up and down.

"Thank you for giving me what I asked for." She steps forward, slipping her arms around my waist.

I stretch my mine out, setting them on her shoulders. "Hey, it was my fucking pleasure. No need to thank me. I hope we can plan on doing it again many more times. Now, let me go get your stuff so we can get dressed and get this day going."

* * *

As a guy who hasn't ever had more than a couple casual acquaintances I've slept with and friends with benefits, this is an entirely new experience for me. Watching a woman get ready for her day, I can't ever remember doing it before. It's an intimacy I'm glad I'm sharing with her. We're brushing our teeth while side-eyeing each other. In fact, I never thought I'd be sharing the double sink with anyone when I put it in during the remodel.

When we're done, she pulls a smaller bag out of her bigger one. My eyes widen as she unearths shit out of there like it's Hermione's magical bag in Harry Potter. I've never seen so much come out of a bag like that before.

"I know." She shrugs. "It's a lot, but it takes a lot for skin this flawless."
