Page 21 of Abel

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Since today's one of the first cold days, I head to the back of my closet, going for the layering pieces I gave up in the spring. Kara's putting something on her face as she watches me stack shirts on the bed. "Is that what you wear when it gets colder?"

"Yeah, layering is key. It's cold now, but it'll be warm this afternoon. I'm sure you know a little bit about it. You aren't out in the elements, but that food truck can't be fully insulated."

"It's not bad, but when it gets down into the teens with low wind chills, I have to worry about water."

"I can take a look at that for you. There might be a few tricks I know that your builder didn't. I don't mind to look at it."

She smiles softly. "You'd do that for me?"

"Yeah, I'd be happy to do it for you. Working with my hands, building things, fixing them, it's what I do." Possibly because there was so much in my life that I felt needed fixing when I was growing up.

"Thank you, can I be there when you do it? I think I might like to watch you in your natural work environment."

I chuckle, running my tongue along my lips. "Got a handyman kink, huh?"

"Don't know." She shrugs. "But I'll be willing to give it a shot."

I would be too.

* * *

Thirty minutes later, we're leaving the house, both rushing so we can go about our respective days. "Hey," I reach out for her hand, stopping her from hurrying away. "Thank you for coming by yesterday. You didn't have to. I hadn't told anyone but my dad what I found out, and I was dead set on spending the night, drinking myself into a place I shouldn't have wanted to go. Thank you for coming to check on me. You have no obligation to do it, but you took time out of your day to check on me."

Her face softens, a smile touching the corners of her lips. She slips her arms around my neck, pulling me down toward her. I widen my stance so that I'm almost on the same level as her. Her fingers play at the hair along the edge of my hairline. "I was worried, and I greatly care about you. We've been friends for the last year, and I've gotten to know you better than I know most friends I've had since high school. I wanna be here for you, and I hope you'll allow me to do that."

"I will." I lean in, kissing her quickly. "I want you here with me. I want a partner to live this life with, grow with, have what I didn't have when I was growing up. Sound good to you?"

She drops her forehead against mine, rocking it back and forth. "Sounds perfect to me. I'm excited for this life we might build together."

"Me too, Kara."

Truth is, I've waited forever for it.



"Boss lady, it is fucking freezing in here," Rachelle, one of my part-time college workers, gripes two days later.

She's not wrong. We're stuck in a deep freeze right now, starting with the night I stayed over at Abel's. The weather reports had said it'd only last one night, now they're saying it could be the rest of the week, into next. We're wearing hoodies, gloves with the fingers cut off, and beanies. When we serve, you can see our breath. "That's it, I'm calling Abel."

Heading toward the back of the truck, I fish my phone out of my bag, and flex my fingers before pulling up his name. Once I get there, I press the button and hold it to my ear. I don't call him typically, so hopefully he'll answer.

Two rings in, his deep voice comes over the phone, straight to my ear. "You alright? You never call me."

"Hey, I hate to bother you, but we're freezing here in the truck. Is there any way you can check it tonight?" I cringe as I ask the question.

"Give me a sec." There's a noise as he presumably covers the mouthpiece. I can hear muffled words being spoken. I'm not good at waiting, but I'm trying to be patient until he comes back. "Alright, if you feed us lunch, we'll come see what we're working with and fix it as much as we can right now. We may have to come back, but we'll be there in a few."

"Thanks. We appreciate it."

"No problem, just make sure you have my favorite salsa ready."

I smile to myself. "I have a container here with your name on it."

* * *

"You get under there," Boone says to Abel as they stand along the back of the truck. "You're younger and she's the girl you wanna impress, not me."
