Page 32 of Abel

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"How about we put on some early 2000's rock and let shit fly?"

"Thought you'd never ask."


H: Thank you again for the food you gave to us. We ate some of it today, and it was just as good as it was when you brought it over a few nights ago.

A huge smile spreads across my face. Heidi and I have been talking since I took the food over to her house and met her. It's nothing I ever expected when I heard about Abel and how his relationship was with his mom, but it's been a welcome part of what we're building together.

K: I'm so glad! Like I told Abel, food and making sure others are fed is my love language. It makes me feel good in ways hardly anything else does. I'd love to do more for you if you need it. All you have to do is ask.

H: With how good of a cook you are, I wouldn't offer that unless you mean it.

I grin back at my phone.

K: Oh, I mean it, just let me know!

"Boss lady, you wanna set the feed up tonight?"

That's Mav, one of the college guys I employ. Tonight, we're setting up the second truck downtown, near the high school. It's a Friday and there's a football game, so it's bound to be busy. We don't always do this, but when we do we have huge sales. If I can get just as many watching us online, tonight could make half of the loan payment that's due. "Yeah, let's set it up for at least an hour or so, and see how it goes. If we have a lot of people watching, then we'll keep it going."

He's an audio/visual student, and he's been more helpful than I ever thought he'd be when I hired him. He's taught me more than I ever thought about teaching him. He's gotten my streaming and video production up to par with some of the biggest influencers out there, and I have him to thank for a lot of the newer subscribers I have.

"Sounds good. Where do you want to work tonight, and I'll get you set up?"

I look back and forth between the cash register and the prep table. We can stream the cash register, and I could wear a GoPro to record making orders. Those videos tend to do well on YouTube, as well as TikTok. "Let me make orders. When I was looking at our popular videos over the last few weeks, it was those videos that did well."

"Yeah, the ones where we make an order and tell how much it is?" He's making a note on his phone. "The last one you did hit five hundred thousand views in the first couple of days. Do me a favor, when you're done making the order, give me a peace sign up at the top. That way it'll help me edit."

"Peace sign, got it."

Glancing up at the clock, I see it's just about time for us to open. Rolling my head around, I try to loosen and open my shoulders up for the amount of work we're going to need to do in a short amount of time. There's a knock on the door, before it opens slightly. Short dark hair is the first thing I see and just by the cut, I know it's Abel.

"What are you doing here?"

He grins. "Thought I'd come say hi. Y'all already got a line out there. If you can get away at some point tonight, come sit with me?"

"Sit with you? At a high school football game? That seems very serious. For us to make an appearance there. Especially for a small town like this."

His grin turns into a smirk. "I mean, if you agree to sit with me, we might as well be going steady after this."

"That's serious business. How do I know you're not gonna break my heart and go out with the prom queen after I've given you what you wanted?" I jut my hip out, putting my hand on it.

Dark eyes roam around the truck. Once he's satisfied with what he sees, he steps forward, forefinger going under my chin to tilt it up. That big thumb rests against my jaw, before he dips down and takes a kiss I never expected in public. Not from the man who's as closed off as he is. I allow myself to melt into him, and feel the kiss in ways I've never given myself permission to before. When he pulls back, my ears are buzzing. "Wow," I whisper.

"That's what I like to hear." His deep voice reverberates in my chest. "I know I better go because y'all are about to get slammed, but let me know if you get a chance to step away?"

I lick the taste of him from my lips. "I will. Do you want anything before you go? Boone and Alexis with you?"

"They are. We were going to get some nachos at the stadium."

"The fuck you are." I'm offended they wouldn't come and ask me. "I'm sending you some food for all y'all. I can't believe you wouldn't come over here."

"Well," he rubs the back of his neck. "Our purchases help the boosters."

"Make a damn donation then."

He snorts. "I've never heard of someone being jealous of another person purchasing food to help the football boosters."
