Page 33 of Abel

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"I'm not jealous. I just know that food sucks, Abel. Simple as that."

He laughs again before he leans his forehead against mine. He kisses the bridge of my nose. "I love you, you're crazy. See you later."

With that he's gone, and I know he doesn't realize what he's just said. But I do, and it doesn't bring the feeling of dread I thought it would. Instead, I have this need to tell him back. And I will, the first chance I get.



Ican't believe I told her I love her. I've never said those words to another woman I've been in a relationship with. Part of me is freaking the fuck out, and the other part of me, is happy that I finally got it out in the open. Hoofing it over to the stadium, I show my ticket that I purchased earlier and then hoof it up to the top where our crew is sitting. "Have I missed anything?" Instead of having a seat, I lean against the railing, because we've taken up such a big swath of a row.

"No, what's that you're carrying?" Lex asks, eyeing the plate of food.

I roll my eyes as my face heats. "Kara couldn't handle it that we were going to eat from the boosters. She said that food sucks, and if we wanted to make sure they make money, we can donate."

Alexis snorts as she throws her head back laughing. "That is such a Kara thing to say. She was big mad, huh?"

"You could say that. Anyway, she made us some nachos, and there should be enough here for everyone."

"Goddamn, that's good." Jasper groans as he takes a big bite, tilting his head back so that he can make sure it all gets in his mouth. "You're gonna gain so much weight if the two of you stay together. Like you're gonna have to start working out more and harder."

"So are you." I fire back at him. "You've been eating as much of her food as I have."

"Oh my God, who the fuck cares." Alexis grabs another bite. "It's good, and she's good at what she does. There's no reason for y'all to be having a who's dick is bigger contest. We should just be happy she sent us some stuff over."

My mind goes back to where I was with her minutes ago. In the food truck with her, blurting out that I love her. I'm not going to be able to forget that for a while. Not that I want to, but I'd much prefer not to be making a declaration like that in the food truck. I'd had plans - maybe a romantic dinner? A gift for her. Not a hastily pushed out I love you, because she's arguing with me about buying food from the boosters.

It's as if I've conjured her up. She's making her way toward us from the bottom of the bleachers. Her smile is big as she walks up to me. "I've never been to a high school football game." She declares as she comes within arms reach of me.

"Never?" I hook her around the waist and pull her to me. "I don't believe that."

"Believe it. I didn't. I was already thinking about cooking for a living, trying to figure out how I could turn it into a reality. I've always been a little weird." A piece of hair falls down in her eye.

I push the hair back out of her gaze. "Don't talk about my girlfriend like that."

She smiles at me. One that starts at her lips and goes straight to her eyes. It encompasses all the joy she brings to me, and I'm thrilled I'm the one who could bring this look to her face. "I'm your girlfriend?"

"Well don't you think so? It's not like I spend a lot of time kissing girls I don't wanna be with." We're standing so close together, there's no space between us. Her tongue slips between her lips to wet them, and I know right then and there I want a taste. When I lean in to take the kiss, the bill of my hat is in the way. Reaching up, I turn it around to the back, and without that impeding us, I press our lips together, holding her tightly as she sinks into me. Her arms circle around my neck, and when her fingers start playing with the ends of my hair, it's the best feeling in the world.

"Get a fuckin' room."

That's Jasper, and he can fuck off. Letting go of her waist, I lift my hand and raise my middle finger in his direction. Good to know some things never change. When we pull apart, I look down at her. "I know you have to go back to the truck, but wanna meet me at my house tonight?"

"I'd love to." She licks her lips and comes up on tiptoes to kiss me again. "See you then?"

"I'll be waiting on you."



Every part of my body hurts after the shift we just pulled. It was worth it though, one of the biggest profit days we've had since I opened the truck. Pulling into Abel's driveway, I'm so excited I don't have to go home to an empty house. Reaching into the back seat, I grab my bag, and get out of my SUV. Before I can make it to the back porch, Abel is already standing there.

"You look exhausted."

"I am," I admit. "In a good way though, and I'm not working tomorrow, so that's the only thing that got me through tonight."

"C'mon in. I'll draw you a bath."
