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My cellphone ringing has me glancing down to where it vibrates on my desk. Stilling, my head cocks when I see the name flashing across the screen. After the absolute shit show of our meeting last week, I didn’t think Vadim would be calling me, so let’s just say my interest is piqued.

Grabbing the phone, I swipe to answer. “I assumed everything we had to say to each other was said in our meeting.”

“There is no need for such hostility, Nico. I was just calling to congratulate you.” My hand tightens around the phone. I straighten in my chair, my body stiffening with his words. There is only one thing he would be congratulating me for, and how the fuck does he know about my impending wedding? My jaw clenches at the thought that I may have another fucking rat in my fold. Vadim chuckles, the sound making all the hair on the back of my neck stand on end, and I want nothing more than to wipe his existence from this earth. “You see, I knew there was something off last week. Your reaction to what I said about the girl was…” he trails off. “Was not how one would react to hearing about some whore they didn’t give a fuck about. Imagine my surprise when not only were my assumptions correct, but that you’re marrying her.” He laughs, though I see no humor in this fucking conversation. “She is going to be your wife. And she is the mother of yourheir.” I freeze, my breathing turning ragged at the mention of my son. The air of superiority in his voice, the fact he knows every one of my secrets has me seeing red. He laughs again and the sound is like nails on a chalkboard. I grit my teeth. “Yes, I am also aware of the son you have kept hidden.”

“You will fucking stay away from them. You know the rules, Vadim, no women or children.” My voice is low but calm. I need to steer this conversation in the right direction. One that has me coming out on top. I need to stay composed, even though everything inside me is demanding I find Vadim and the fucking rat traitor and put a bullet in their heads.

He sighs, “I know. That’s why I called you. The deal with her father and Anderson is off.”

I pause, my brows jumping in surprise, and though his words give me hope, I know not to trust him.

“And why should I believe you?” I ask.

“Well, you shouldn’t,” he admits. And I know that no matter what he says, there will never be a time when I let my guard down with this man. After all, he did order the execution of my papà. “But you have my word. Things are different with her being your wife. I won’t touch the girl. Her father isn’t aware of the information I have, nor will I give it to him. He won’t stop looking for her though, Nico. Just remember that.”

“I can handle him and Anderson if it ever comes down to it.” My words are final. There is only one way for them if they ever come for Ocean. Death. He grunts his acknowledgment and without another word ends the call.

Dropping the phone to my desk, I lean back in my chair. I’m not stupid. The war with Vadim is far from over and, though I will never trust him, with that one call, the Russian boss has extended a truce of sorts. He knows as well as I do that there are rules in place. He can’t touch Ocean once she becomes my wife. It’s one of the reasons this marriage is happening – though I will never tell her that.

Exhaling, I feel some of the stress of the last few months drain from my body. Vadim coming after Ocean might be one less thing to worry about, but I still need to find out who the rat is. I thought I had that situation under control after showing my men what will happen if they go against me.

Seems that while I have been distracted with my family, someone got brave. Thought that I was so preoccupied with everything that they could fly under the radar with their traitorous behavior. That’s okay though. They will soon learn. I have been hungry for blood for a while now. Craving that feeling of the kill. When I find the traitor – and I will - he can damn well be sure, I am going to make an example of him. The torture is going to be slow, painful. By the time I am done with him, he will regret ever opening his mouth and spilling my secrets.


After sitting down with Dante and filling him in on my conversation with Vadim, I make my way upstairs. It’s late, so I know my littleTesorowill be sleeping. Exactly how I want her.

Pushing the door open, I grin when I find her just as I knew I would. With one leg kicked out of the comforter, she sleeps peacefully in our California King bed, unaware of the predator waiting to pounce.

Quietly, I shut the door and move to the crib to check on Romeo. Just like his mamma, he sleeps soundly, without a care in the world. My chest tightens. He has no idea of the kingdom that awaits him. The situations he will face in the future. The decisions he will have to make. The blood that will stain his hands. There’s a part of me that wants to keep him away from this world but the other, bigger part of me, can’t wait to teach him all about thefamiglia.It’s his birthright after all.

Leaning down, I drop a kiss to his forehead, whispering. “I love you,mio figlio.”

Straightening, I turn, my eyes locking on my prey. Smirking, and without another thought, I stride over to her, removing my clothes in the process.

Climbing on the bed, I crawl up her prone body. Only then does she begin to stir. Her body tenses, eyes fluttering open. She blinks.

“Nico,” she mumbles, her voice slightly slurred as she rouses.

“Shh,” I rasp, pressing a finger to her mouth. “Go back to sleep.” Her blue orbs widen as realization hits her. She knows what I want. To fuck her while she is asleep. “Do I need to give you something to help you relax?” She shakes her head, her blonde hair like a waterfall over the pillow. “Good girl,” I praise, pulling the lace tank from her breasts. They bounce free. So supple and round my mouth waters for a taste.

Dropping down, I take her in my mouth, sucking at the little bud with vigor. Ocean gasps, her back arching. “Careful. They are sensitive,” she moans.

My gaze shifts up, locking on her face. Her eyes are squeezed shut, her body becoming pliant as she gets lost in her pleasure. Releasing her nipple, I watch when her eyes pop open. I smirk at the look of sheer disappointment covering her features, but it doesn’t last long. Never breaking eye contact, my tongue darts out and I suck her other nipple into my mouth.

She moans, the little noises like music to my ears. I lap at the beaded flesh, enjoying when she begins to rub up against me. Shoving the cover away, I position myself between her thighs. I’m rock hard, almost desperate to get inside her tight cunt. Raw primal possession shoots through my veins and I can’t wait another minute.

Reaching down, I push my hand inside her little sleep shorts. My mouth waters at how wet I find her, my cock turning to steel. Satisfied, I rumble. “You are always so responsive to me,Tesoro. I barely have to touch you and you soak my hand.”

“Nico,” she gasps when I push two fingers inside her tight pussy.

“Hmm, so fucking wet. And mine. Who do you belong to baby?”

“Yo-you,” she stutters her response without hesitation.

“Fuck,” I growl, pulling my fingers from her cunt and ripping her shorts from her body. “That’s right, baby. You are mine.” I shift down her body until I’m eye level with her pussy. My tongue darts out, running from her slit, down to her asshole and then back up to her clit. She squirms, whimpering as I play with her. I lick at her cunt like a starving man who can only be sated by her. Ocean doesn’t know it, but she consumes me. My obsession for her runs so deep, I feel her in every part of my body. In my soul. Consuming me.Owningme.

Deciding I can’t wait any longer to get my cock inside her, I release her clit and push up to my knees. Palming my cock, I stare down at her with an intensity that sucks all the air from the room. Ocean smiles timidly, chewing that pouty bottom lip of hers. I growl. Jealous of her own teeth. Fuck, I am so far gone for this girl it would be embarrassing if anyone knew the extent of my obsession.

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