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“Sure. I need to go and make sure Christopher is ready to take you to the airport.” I say, stepping forward and handing over my son. There is a reason that I booked her a commercial flight for the journey home, and that’s because my pilot, Hansen, will be taking me and Ocean into the city for a… honeymoon of sorts. It won’t be our main one, but it’s something. I plan on taking my wife to an exotic private island, with sandy beaches and surrounded by clear blue water, when things have calmed down. Somewhere I can have her all to myself and we can relax. Glancing at Ocean, she watches me with a soft, grateful look in her eyes. Unable to resist, I pull her into my arms, my mouth dropping to her ear as I growl. “As soon as she is gone, you are mine.” She shivers, making me smirk. My wife can’t get enough of my cock, and I am here for it.

Releasing her, I grab Patty’s luggage, wheeling it toward the door and outside. Christopher stares down at his cellphone as he waits beside the SUV. “All ready?” I ask, making his head snap up to me.

Slipping his cell into his pants pocket, he nods. “Yes sir. I will take Ms. Patty to JFK and then meet you in the city.”

“Go straight to the Marchetti building. You can pick us up from there and take us to the club. I have some business to take care of at The Executive Club before I can relax with my wife.”

“Of course,” Christopher replies without hesitation.

Footsteps on the marble tiles have me glancing over my shoulder. My wife, son, and Patty head down the steps toward me. Oceans talks animatedly with Patty, as the latter carries Romeo in her arms. Taking my son from Patty, I watch Ocean say her final goodbyes to the woman who became an important, integral part of her life. A woman that showed her kindness and love. A woman that gave her a home. All those things should ease my hostility toward Patty but for some reason… they don’t.

“I better go,” Patty sighs, pulling out of the tight grip my wife has on her.

Ocean smiles sadly. “Go. Call me so I know you got home safe.”

“I will.” Patty agrees, before turning her attention to Romeo. She cups his face, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “You look after my family.” Her gaze bores into mine threateningly. I almost laugh. Almost.

“Always,” I drawl, though I owe her nothing.

She nods, looking back to Ocean. “This isn’t goodbye, but a see you later. I love you both. And I’m so proud of you.” She chokes on her words, her eyes turning watery. As if she doesn’t want Ocean to witness her emotion, she turns, rushing toward the SUV and where Christopher holds the back door open.

A sob from my right, has me looking at my wife. She looks so sad, I wrap an arm around her, pulling her into my body and dropping a kiss to her head. It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her that I love her, but I don’t want those three little words to be overshadowed by her sadness of Patty leaving. So instead, I hold her close, whispering words of comfort in her ear as we watch the car disappear down the long drive.


“I’m excited to spend a couple days in the city.” Ocean chirps, her sadness over Patty leaving now replaced by the excitement of leaving The Hamptons. “Maybe I could catch up with Serena while we are here?” Her big blue eyes are wide as she looks at me, almost begging me to say yes.

I pin her with a look. “Don’t beg,wife. You’re a queen. Act like it.”

She blinks several times as if she didn’t expect my response, then chews that full bottom lip of hers. A sly smirk curves her lips as she straightens her shoulders, looking like she is ready to take on the world. “I want to catch up with Serena while we are in the city. Is she still working at the club?”

I shake my head. Usually, I wouldn’t know this information but, since I knew she was one of Ocean’s only friends, I kept a close eye on the dancer. There was a time or two that I interrogated Serena to see if she knew anything about Ocean’s whereabouts, but she was just as unaware as me. Her reaction alone told me all I needed to know. She was shocked at her friend’s disappearance and didn’t know shit. “Do you think Leo will know how to get ahold of her? I lost her number…” she swallows, then adds. “When I left.”

Watching her, I run a palm across my mouth. Hmm. The tightness in my chest that I usually get at the memory of when she disappeared isn’t there today. Maybe I have finally moved past it. “Leo should have her contact number on file from when she worked at the club,” I confirm.

She smiles before it drops to a frown. “I feel so bad. I just left and only now have I asked about her. She was my only friend in New York. She should have been at the wedding,” she finishes on a whisper.

Reaching over, I take her hand. “I am sure she will understand,Tesoro. And if she doesn’t? Well, she wasn’t a friend in the first place.”

Ocean sighs, a smile pulling at her lips. “Always so direct.”

I smirk, just as we pull up outside The Executive Club. “Always. Now come on. Let me take care of business and then I can take care of you when we get back to our penthouse.”



Curled up on the couch in Nico’s office, my body warms as memories of all of our moments together in here hit me. Looking back, I was naïve in thinking that he had no interest in me. It’s clear to me now that everything he did, the possession, his asshole behavior, was his way of showing me that he wanted me.

A sigh of contentment leaves me, and I can’t remember the last time I felt this way. My gaze flickers to my husband and I grin when I find that he is already watching me. His stare is intense, a living entity consuming my whole being as he talks to someone on his phone. I smile wider, my eyes bouncing from Nico to Dante who sits across from him. I watch as his fingers glide across his cellphone, a small grin tugging at his lips. I briefly wonder if he is messaging Allegra and when his smile widens, I know without a doubt that he is. Warmth trickles through me at the possibility that they can be together. From the small things that Allegra has said, it all comes down to Nico getting her out of the contract that their father entered her into. I glance back to my husband. With one look at him, there is no doubt in my mind that he will do everything in his power to help his sister out of the mess their father created.

“If the product is good, Carlos, then we will have a deal. I will talk to you when the shipment arrives to let you know my thoughts.” Nico’s deep voice slips into my thoughts bringing me to the now. Scrubbing a palm over his face, he drops his phone down on the desk. He opens his mouth, no doubt to say something, when a knock sounds at the door. Irritation flashes in his eyes at being interrupted, but he calls out. “Come in.”

The door opens almost instantly, Leo stepping inside in the next second. His eyes come to mine briefly before snapping to Nico. I haven’t spoken to him much since I’ve been back and not because I don’t want to. I know he feels guilty for his involvement in what happened in Charleston, for the way things were handled, but he doesn’t need to. What’s done is done and though at the time I was angry, Nico finding me brought me to exactly where I am meant to be. I forgive my husband, Dante, Leo and anyone else that was involved in that night. Sometimes you have to let things go, to be able to move on from your past, and that’s exactly what I am doing so that I can embrace my future.

“Giuseppe is here to see you.”

My husband nods. “Send him in.”

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