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“Nico,” Dante’s voice sounds distant though he is right next to me.

His arms lock around me as he drags me to my office, to safety. He knows what I want,what Ineed,and that is to get to my wife. Before Dante gets me through the door, I glance around at my club floor, transfixed as I watch the scene playing out in front of me. Some of my men fight back while others lay dead on the floor. I have no clue where Leo is, but I hope he makes it out of this alive. No matter what has happened between us regarding Ocean, he is still my friend, despite being a fucking asshole lately.

Gunfire bounces around the space, loud and determined and I know it’s only a matter of time before the Feds show up. From their accents, I know it’s the Russians ambushing us. Though I’m not even a little surprised he broke our truce, it somewhat confuses me. The last time I spoke with Vadim, I knew the asshole couldn’t be trusted, but I didn’t think he would retaliate so soon.

“Fuck,” I growl as we enter my private elevator. I punch the button for the top floor, waiting with anticipation and a hint of anxiety for the cart to rise.

“What the fuck is happening?” Dante barks, punching the metal.

“I don’t know. But there is no coming back from this attack. The Russians will die for this,” I grind out.

“Agreed.” My best friend responds as the elevator comes to a stop and the doors slide open.

We step outside and I frown when I see Leo rushing toward us. That answers the question of whether he is okay or not. His hands thread through his hair, and he tugs as if he is trying to ground himself. I don’t like the look on his face, and I positivelyloathethe words that come out of his mouth. “Nico, it’s Ocean. She isn’t in your office.”

My blood runs cold, heart stuttering in my chest as everything turns to white noise. I don’t see or hear anything, just the rush of absolute anger coursing in my body. Pushing past him, I stride down the hall, knowing in my heart that what he is saying is true. Shoving my door open, a feeling I can’t explain hits me right in the chest when I find no sign of my wife orConsigliere. I grit my teeth, adrenaline, and rage spiking in me further.

“Find my fucking wife.” I scream and like a child that has lost his favorite toy, I swipe everything from my desk in one quick fury-filled move.

Fuck the club. I can rebuild.

Fuck the Russians. I will kill them all.

But Ocean? She is irreplaceable.

I cannot lose my wife. Not for a second time. And if the Russians have her like I suspect… I shake my head. Well, I don’t even want to think about what they are doing to her. I need to stay calm and if I think about that, I am going to completely lose my shit.

Locking all my muscles in place, I take a deep breath trying to calm myself. My chest heaves, pulse spiking to an erratic rhythm that for the first time in my life I cannot control. Jesus, fuck. Everything turns black, my vision turning hazy. The need for revenge thrums in my veins but the need to find my wife is the only thing I can think about right now. She could be anywhere. She could already be… I shake my head, not allowing the thought to take root.

Then it hits me. I pause. The tracker. The god damn tracker I injected into her while she was sleeping. Isn’t this the exact reason why I did it? Yes, it wasn’t the main reason, because at the time I was blinded with the fear that she would try to run from me again. Joke’s on me really, because right now, I would rather her be running from me than be in the hands of my enemies. Grabbing my cell from my pants pocket, I bring up the tracker app, ignoring the war that is going on around me.

“Nico?” Dante questions, his concerned voice filtering into my thoughts.

“The tracker. I inserted one when I brought her back,” I mumble more to myself. I haven’t told anyone this information. Not even Dante. I am not embarrassed by what I did, it’s not an emotion I feel. I just never felt the need to tell anyone my business, because no one needs to know what I do when it comes to what belongs to me.

The gunfire comes to a stop, but I don’t take any notice of what could be happening downstairs or whether the Russians have killed my men and are now on their way to do the same to me. All I care about is locating my wife. My body tightens and I wait with bated breath for the app to load. It takes mere seconds and I release a breath when the red dot settles in place. My head snaps up to Dante.

“She is in a warehouse down at Port Authority.” My voice is frantic but I’m past caring that I am showing any emotion.

“Go. I will take care of this.” His words leave no room for argument.

I pause. “You sure?”

“Yes. But Nico, take as many of our men as you can. You don’t know what you’re heading into.”

I nod. “Take care of this shit and call me when you are done.”

“Just go, Nico. Find your wife and bring her home.” I hear the emotion in his tone. I briefly wonder if he is thinking about my sister right now and how he would feel if she was the one taken by Vadim.

Shaking my head, I focus on what I need to do. My gaze goes to Leo, gun in hand as he stands guard by the door. “Do whatever Dante needs you to.” I issue the order and expect him to follow them.

He nods his head, bouncing on his feet with a feral look in his eyes. People think that Leo is the innocent one out of the three of us, because of his blonde hair and all-American good looks, but he is just as bad as me and Dante. Bloodthirsty and ready to go at any moment to drop bodies if I should ask him to. “We’ve got this, Nico.”

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