Page 39 of Forbidden Fruit

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With a nod, she smiles as she eases it down her throat. "Such a good girl.”

"You're doing it again." Her soft voice breaks my reverie.

"Doing what?" I ask.

"Holding out on me. What's on your mind, Tomas?"Now or never, I suppose.

"This is going to kill the mood, apple."

I see the moment when she retreats into herself, bracing for impact. I don't know the details, but I suspect Julian must have really fucked her up. "Tell me."

"Nathan saw me leave the apartment tonight."

She exhales a shaky breath. "Fuck."

I grit my teeth. "It gets worse."

Another shaky breath. "He took a photo of me by my car."

"Are there landmarks in it?"

I shrug. "Haven't seen it, but I think your car might be in the background."

She purses her lips. "Well, this fucking sucks."

Her eyes go wide. "Wait a minute. How the fuck did he even know where I live?"

"That's what I want to know."

"Oh my God. DeLuca, I have to tell my dad about this."

My jaw ticks. "Give me a day or two, sweetheart, and I'll figure this out for us, okay?"

Her doe eyes sparkle brightly as a tear spills free.

"I wish I didn't leave. I wish I would've just fucking held you."

She bites her lip. "I'm sorry." More tears spill from her emerald eyes.

"Is Matt with Mia?"

"I'm not sure." She manages through increasing sobs.

"Don't unlock the door for anyone until I get there. I'll be there in twenty," I say, slipping into a pair of jeans and a fresh shirt.

A laugh-sob escapes. "It's two am. I doubt anyone else would be coming over."

I furrow my brows. "Meanwhile, we're talking about the guy you punched in the middle of my class and is just randomly sitting outside of your apartment."

"Okay, point taken."

"I'll see you in a bit. If Matt, Mia, and Lex are still up, tell them I'm coming."

With that, I end the call and try to soothe the rage and dread in my veins.

Chapter Twenty-Two

