Page 56 of Forbidden Fruit

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“I know you have stitches, but please don’t take it easy on me.” The desperation in my voice spurs him to action. His thrusts deepen and I lose myself in him again.

“I could bury myself in you forever,” he rasps against my ear. His breath against my skin, his nails digging into my hips, all the sensations create a heady combination as he fucks me with abandon. He fucks me, his need obvious, and him using me the way he needs me snaps my final tether, sending me tumbling over the edge again.

“Fuck, the way you’re gripping me, Olivia.” His nails dig harder, and I’m fairly certain he’s drawing blood, but I don’t give a fuck.

“You need to decide where you want me to come now.”

“In me, please,” I manage through my shallow breaths.

“You’re sure?” he grits, his thrusts slowing.


His tempo increases and my core clenches. I’m dancing on the precipice of madness between exhaustion, being so satiated, and simultaneously wanting more. I feel his heat deep within and I can’t help the guttural moan that escapes my lips.

I smile to myself, relaxed and content. I had a feeling we hadn’t even touched the tip of the iceberg yet.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Despitetheorgasm,theseclusion, and Olivia’s chest rising and falling unwaveringly as she sleeps peacefully next to me, I feel uneasy. When she handed me the phone six hours ago, I thought for certain her father found out she had been with me and not at her dorm all this time. As soon as I heard his voice, I knew. I knew it had to do with Nathan, and her father knew I would do everything in my power to keep her safe. I had to. He knew the two of us didn’t come this far just for Nathan to sink his claws into her, for it to mean nothing.

Her father gave me his number, and I planned on keeping him updated on certain matters. I merely said yes when he asked if I had protection, knowing damn well it wasn’t condoms he was asking about. Too caught up in her own packing, Olivia didn’t notice me slip my pistol and its case into my bag. Not that her father knew it, but I was a good shot. I gave him my word I would protect her at all costs, and I meant it.

From what James had said, he received an urgent, distressed call from Matt that someone was pounding on their door. A friend had texted that Nathan, obviously intoxicated and looking exceptionally lethal, was the source. His gun was brazenly displayed in its holster, attached at his hip. James didn’t know which one of us he was looking for, but he guessed both. They didn’t know where he had been since then, but Nathan’s father came to James after he had received an email that his university login had been used recently from a mobile device.

Olivia stirs next to me as I play with her hair. She blinks sleepily, giving me a beaming smile that takes my breath away. How did I get so lucky?

“You’re in time for sunset, not that it even holds a candle to the view I have right now.”

She hugs me, nuzzling closer. “I can make us dinner.”

I shake my head. “I’m making the steaks.”

“Well, then, I can make the sides.”

“Already done. You have one job,” I say sternly.

“Need I remind you that you’re the one healing?”

“Relax. It’s not strenuous and I enjoy doting on you.”

“What’s my job?” She eyes me suspiciously.

“You’re going to get naked and relax in the hot tub while I grill.”

She gives me an incredulous look. “Let me be useful.”

“I know you want to take care of everyone else. Be greedy for a change. Plus, you are being useful.”

Olivia rolls her eyes playfully before she walks into the bathroom. “Oh my God, have you seen this bathroom?”

“I have plans for you and that tub.” I check my phone and there’s been nothing. They say no news is good news, and James said the whole police department, plus Massachusetts state police, is on the hunt for him, but the radio silence is daunting.

“What’s going on?” She wraps her arms around me, breaking me from my reverie.

“What do you mean?” I try to keep my tone light.
