Page 55 of Lost & Found

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“Bro. It’s fucking New Years Eve. And you wanna choose now to kick your bad habit?”

“I’m here for one reason, remember? The reason I started that bad habit to begin with but I need to have a clear and sober head if I even have a chance at getting her to listen to me,” I say solemnly.

I can’t have alcohol clouding my judgment or masking my thoughts. I have one shot to make this right with Hollis. And I will make this right with Hollis. Even though I probably shouldn’t even be here so we’re off to a fantastic start.

The bartender serves Mason his drinks and gives me a tentative look in which I respond, “All yours.” He wastes no time slamming back both beers in record time.

I glance at him in concern.

“Unlike you, I need the liquid courage.” He nods his head in the direction of a girl I don’t recognize, and I simply scoff with a smile strewn on my face.

But as the girl he’s focused on moves out of the way, a more familiar face comes into view.


She’s a fucking devastation, that girl. She’s wearing leather fucking pants, which proves to now be my new weakness. Leather on a girl is one thing, leather on Hollis is a whole different ball game.

Her sweater hangs off one of her shoulders and her light brown skin is delicately layered by a white, lacy strap. I also notice that she’s cut her hair since the last time I saw her. Her long dark brown hair is now at her shoulders. It’s not straight but it’s not curly either. It’s—what do the girls call it? —beach wavy or some shit. But she still has that fucking unforgettable blue stripe in her hair and I swear I am turning into a fucking simp just catching this glimpse of her.

There's a hundred people in this joint, but all I see is her.

She’s holding a tumbler of something amber colored. Her lips are perfectly colored with a dark color, looks almost black in the dim lighting. Her tattoos peek out from parts of her clothes and I yearn to know what her whole body looks like, undressed and on display for me and only me.

I have dreamt for so long to tell her what I wanted to tell her. What I should have told her. This girl was my fucking best friend, but right now, she’s the one that got away. And as I stare at the tantalizing beauty that is Hollis, I can’t help but to crave her even more than I ever did before.

It’s a pull, like a werewolf finding his mate. I need her. She’s mine. And I won’t let her get away this time.

I tap the bar top, forgetting everything about needing a clear mind and being sober. Because I know that I am no match for the controlled chaos and exhilarating allure that bleeds from this girl. I know that she is out of my fucking league.

I don’t even look at what the bartender dropped for me before taking it to my lips and gulping down the burn of…was that watermelon Smirnoff?

I look back at the bartender with a look that screamswhat the fuck?and she playfully laughs while shrugging her shoulders, seeming proud of my pain.

Oh well, what’s done is done and whatever it was will help with the sudden nerves that have found themselves in a scattered mess running wild in my brain.

I take a deep breath and try to scope out my path to her, putting one foot in front of the other. And the perfect opportunity arises as I notice her friend, Jaelynn, gets pulled away by another friend and suddenly, she’s alone.

I gently push past the people standing and talking and I’m aware that I’m only mere feet away from her. She still hasn’t seen me yet. She tips the glass she’s holding back and swallows down the rest of the golden liquid, and I watch as her throat bobs, taking down her drink. I find that motion alone the sexiest thing I’ve seen in quite some time; my dick twitches painfully as the sight. And before I know it, she turns to put the glass down on a table behind her, and my eyes catch hers.

My heart rate kicks up, a feeling I’m not entirely accustomed to. Her eyes darken, almost like a devil flirting but there’s a bashfulness to it. I smirk, but the eye contact doesn’t last long before she’s pulled by the wrist; another girl leads her to the dance floor where they join Jaelynn and some others.

Just in time, Usher’sYeahblares over the speakers as the DJ changes the tune and the crowd cheers. The floor starts to crowd with people wanting to dance to the hip hop mix and it’s getting harder to keep my eye on Hollis’ movements.

She had looked at me, and she didn’t seem angry. She seemed…inviting? Probably not. I might have imagined it because I was too starstruck to imagine anything else.

I desperately want to know how she feels, especially when she dances. Her and the other girls get close, dipping and grinding as their hands go up. Jae’s arms go around Hollis’s neck who grips onto Jae’s hips. Another girl dances closely behind Hollis and they bump, twist, and bounce as the beat continues to sound around us.


I’m sure I look stupid just standing here, watching this girl dance. Maybe I look like a creeper. But I don’t give a damn because I can’t stop watching her work her body. Her friend’s hand moves over her neck down to her shoulders, then lower to her waist.

Heat rises in my neck, but not out of anger. I almost envy the way her hands are traveling Hollis’ body while they groove to the music.

Am I…gettingjealous?

Of a fucking a girl.

This is what girlfriends do, they dance with each other. They tell each other secrets and have fun dancing to music.
