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“But it should’ve been us.Just us.”

“Does the fact that I’ve been with someone else ruin this for you? Because it doesn’t change anything for me.”

“No, it doesn’t change anything,” he says roughly, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “I just ... I want everything to be perfect between us.”

“You don’t have to be perfect for me, Cal. You’re already everything I’ve ever wanted and more.” I press closer to him, my hands finding their way up his chest, pressing the steady beat of his heart under my fingertips.

Our eyes lock, and in that gaze, I see all the years of friendship, the pain of separation, and the hope of what’s to come. In this moment, with Callum, everything feels right. We’ve finally found our way back to each other, and nothing else matters.

I lean in to press a kiss to the corner of his perfect mouth, and the action seems to set him ablaze. He shifts, frantic now, and we fumble on the bed, lips still locked together, hands roaming over each other’s bodies.

He moves my hair away from my neck, guiding his lips to the hollow spot and nipping at my earlobe. I moan his name. His eyes flutter closed at the sound, savoring it.

“Cal,” I say, breathless. “I need you.”

“I need you too,” he says, his voice thick with lust, with longing. “God, Lila. I need to feel you.”

“Please,” I gasp, my fingers threading through his thick, dark hair.

“That feels good, baby,” he whispers, tugging at the hem of my T-shirt. “Your hands on me.”

Rough, calloused fingertips slide underneath my shirt, their touch igniting a trail of fire up my sides. My bra is expertly unhooked and removed next, leaving me exposed to his gaze.

“I knew you’d be perfect. These”—he palms my breasts, thumb circling around my puckered nipples—“were meant to be worshipped by me.”

He takes one rosy bud into his mouth, his warm lips and tongue sending shivers through my body. With his hand, he flicks and teases the other nipple, eliciting the most desperate moan from somewhere deep inside of me. Someplace I didn’t even know existed until he found it.

Slowly, he trails down my stomach, his warm breath against my skin causing me to ache with need. With a flick of his fingers, he removes my shorts and panties, too.

He groans, louder and more visceral than I’ve ever heard from him before. “Jesus fucking Christ, I think I could come just from looking at you.”

“I wouldn’t mind.”

“This is really what you want, Li? My mouth on you? My cock pushing between your perfect thighs?”

“Yes,” I murmur. “Please, I can’t wait any longer.”

“Fucking love hearing you beg for it. Always knew I would.”

He moves again, and as soon as his mouth finds the sensitive spot between my legs, I cry out in ecstasy. The warmth of his breath against my skin is like a spark, igniting every nerve ending in my body. He sucks on my clit with an expertise that leaves me seeing stars.

I’m pulsing, writhing into his face, and when I come? The sensation is so intense, so visceral, that I may have even lost consciousness for a fraction of a second. My body arches off the bed, responding eagerly to his skilled touch. Colors explode behind my eyelids as pure pleasure courses through every inch of me.

Gasping for air and still trembling, I tug at his hair, pulling him up to face me. Our lips meet hungrily as we work to undress him this time. The anticipation builds with each piece of clothing that falls away, until finally, his bare skin presses against mine.

And when his cock nudges against my entrance, sliding across my dripping slit, my whole body quivers in anticipation. Aching for him, I push my hips toward him, urging him to fill me completely.

With just one small flick against that tight little bundle, he sends me over the edge again.

“You want me inside of you?” he asks, and my entire body tenses as waves of pleasure crash over me once more. I grip onto him tightly as the second orgasm rips through me, unwilling to ride this out alone.

The sensations are overwhelming, like a fire burning through my veins and leaving me wholly consumed.

When I finally open my eyes, he’s looking down at me with a gaze that’s more than just satisfaction for a job well done. There’s something much deeper there, something that makes me feel vulnerable, desired, alive.

He licks his lips, voice deep and low as he murmurs, “I love you, you know.”

“Galloway, I’ve always loved you.”
