Page 40 of King of Bad

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Stephanie lets out a huff as we make our way into the Italian restaurant I asked Winston and Maddox to meet us at. I’m still a little surprised both of them said yes.

No matter what Maddox told me, I’m sure going out with two other people he doesn’t really know was not his ideal choice for another date with me. Still, he messaged me after Sunday night at the club, making sure we were still on. Why we wouldn’t be, I have no idea, but it’s just another thing about how he’s acted around me that tells me this isn’t the usual King of Bad that the world has seen. And that fact alone makes me want to believe he’s honestly interested in me.

Winston was leery when I presented the idea to him. After the interview we filmed with Rose for Stephanie’s YouTube channel, Winston’s only had one other interaction with Steph, and it was just as tense. She still looks at him like a geek, and he’s still sarcastic with her. Winston agreed, begrudgingly, but I had to use my best friend, puppy dog look on Steph for her to say yes.

Sure, it’s all a bit much to be able to tell my father I went out with Winston and technically not be lying. I just don’t want to disappoint him. I know he wants me to be happy and taken care of. I’m his little girl. And, of course, I’ll tell him there’s nothing between Winston and me eventually, but I’d like to hold off on that for a little bit longer.

Stephanie picks a piece of lint from her teal mini-dress. “I can’t believe I said yes to this. Why did I say yes to this?”

Opening the door for us, I roll my eyes at her again. “Because you’re my bestie, and you love me.”

“But still! This guy … I can’t even with this guy.”

“You just don’t like him because he snapped back at you at the restaurant that day.”

“He’s a geek,” she hisses, double-checking as we walked toward the host to make sure no one else heard her.

“He’s not,” I reply. “He wears glasses. Wearing glasses does not make someone a geek. He’s just not a socialite like the rest of your friends.”

“The rest of my friends are not only socialites. Believe it or not, you and your circles are not my only friends.”

“I’ll believe it when I see you with someone else.” I laugh, and we head to the host, who takes us to our table.

Winston is dressed down slightly, with one of his business suits that’s a dark green, but no tie. Maddox is dressed less formal; a T-shirt and jeans, but he’s styled his hair again. Both of them seem to be sitting awkwardly quiet, waiting for us.

“Hey,” I call out to them, taking a seat next to Maddox.

I don’t know why, but I feel more at ease around Maddox. Ever since our first date and the honesty he’s had on display, I don’t feel like I’m talking to an egotistical rock star. He may be famous, but he’s a musician, not an actor. He couldn’t possibly be this good at pretending to be something he’s not. And I believed him when he said he was jealous the other day. Which just goes to sweep more of my former opinion of him away, wanting to be around this real Maddox I’ve met.

“Have you guys ordered any drinks?” Stephanie asks.

“I was going to but wasn’t sure what you liked,” Maddox answers, looking at me.

I smile at his response, but before I can reply, Stephanie adds, “Anything that will help with this night.”

My head snaps over to her, about to scold her for the rudeness, but Winston beats me to the punch. “Yeah, I’ll definitely want to remember this night,” Winston says. “Especially with how pleasant you’re already being.”

“Me?” Stephanie snaps. “I’m doing this as a favor for my best friend, Winnie,” she spits back, really putting some spice on Winston’s nickname. “What’s your reason? Sucking up to Daddy still?”

“Steph!” I hiss at her.

“Winnie?” Maddox asks, chuckling.

Winston ignores both of us, his jaw dropping in appall. “You know, I thought I’d give the ice queen a chance to see if she wasn’t as bad as I remember,” he says. “But apparently Cece has a soft spot in her heart for unpleasant girls who like to trash guys they barely know.”

“You guys,” I snap at both of them, who are burning holes through one another.

“Now I do need a drink,” Winston says, getting up from the table.

“I’m going to use the restroom,” Stephanie replies.

They both get up from the table and head in opposite directions; Winston toward the bar area, and Stephanie toward the bathroom.

Maddox chuckles again. “How’s the double date working out for you?”
