Page 48 of Cold-Hearted King

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He laughed softly, as if enjoying the moment of my sheer embarrassment.

“Laughing isn’t in your best interest, city slicker. Then I’ll select the meanest, biggest horse there is.”

“Bring it on, Big Red. I can handle it.”

“Hmmm… O-kay. Then we shall see. Be careful what you ask for, big boy. You’re playing with fire.”

“Maybe I don’t mind getting burned. Did you ever think of that?”

Oh, the man was insufferable, but I couldn’t lie to myself. I liked him.

Maybe a little too much.



“They might call Montana Big Sky Country, but you have to admit the location and the natural beauty is stunning.” I took a deep breath, studying the gorgeous mountains.

“I agree. Tell me more about the ranch,” he said as we slowed to a walk.

“There are twelve hundred and fifty-two acres with twenty miles of river, three lakes, and several of the most beautiful pastures you’ve ever seen. There are six barns and twelve corrals, two of the barns with second floors housing some of the ranch hands.”

“They stay full time?”

“A few of them do. Some of the guys come and go depending on the season and what’s going on in their lives. Walter was generous in providing a place for people who were down on their luck and not just me.”

“Meaning what?”

I wasn’t certain I wanted to tell him, but he would find out soon enough anyway. “A good number of them have records.”

“As in prison records?”

“Don’t sound so shocked. Walter believed everyone deserved a second chance.”

“Interesting. I never knew that either.”

“It’s really sad you two didn’t keep in touch. He wanted to make this a special place for all those involved. He was even given an award for the way he handled those with records. He was so proud.”

“That’s why he pays the employees so well.”

I nodded, pointing toward one of the most picturesque places on the ranch. “Yes, and in turn they’re very loyal to him. The ranch has been a place of healing for so many people, a place of peace for others. Walter even allowed several weddings to be held here over the years, complete with barn dances. He had so much fun, more so than the couples.” I had to laugh at the memories flowing through my mind.

“Really? Now, that surprises me and it takes a hell of a lot to do so.”

As I brushed hair from my eyes, I could tell he was watching me intently. “I can tell,” I told him. “I bartended the last reception and it was so much fun. I even told him he should consider doing it on a regular basis, but he laughed. God, that man could laugh, the sound lighting up a room.”

“I do remember that. He also had a stern voice as well. I heard that more often than his laughter.” He took a deep breath, holding it in for a few seconds.

I’d almost smashed his skull in with a steel baseball bat and he hadn’t been angry or grilled me about why I was attempting to kill someone when answering the door.

I couldn’t seem to stop tingling all over and my reaction was not only unusual, it was borderline ridiculous. I should consider him the enemy, but he was so enticing and easy on the eyes that I couldn’t continue being nasty to him.

For now.

“You really love this place,” he said, almost in passing.

“I do. It’s very healing just being here, riding. Walking. Nature in general.”
