Page 85 of Cold-Hearted King

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Every few seconds, I glanced at the note, finally unable to stand it any longer. I pulled over on the side of the road, allowing the powerful engine to idle. My hands were shaking as I reached for the envelope, holding it in front of my face for a few seconds. Why was this so hard? Why did it feel like I needed to push him away with everything I had?

Megan was right. I knew the answer.

I was so terrified of being hurt again that taking a chance seemed reckless. The wretched laugh I issued was full of anguish, but Megan was right that I needed to take a chance. What would it hurt to read the note Sebastian had left? I yanked it into my hand, ripping the envelope in the process of pulling out the card.

I’d never expected or anticipated a powerful man who took no shit could ever be romantic. The night before he’d stunned me with his unbridled passion, but the words he wrote in beautiful script handwriting were so unexpected, I held my breath.


I’m not good at accepting change in my life. I’m terrible with my emotions, sharing them with anyone considered a weakness in my world. I live a complicated life, one full of long hours and dangerous situations, but with you, I found myself wanting to share the simpler things. I learned by being around you even for a short period of time that joy isn’t about material things or a padded bank account but by feeling free to be the man my mother wanted me to be.

I can’t expect you to alter your life for a man like me. I also don’t want you hurt. I’ll be heading back to Miami, but I have no intention of selling the ranch. You have a home for as long as you want, no strings attached. The gifts are heartfelt, and I have no doubt you’re angry with me. Do yourself a favor and keep them. Money means nothing to me at this point. Just know it brought me some happiness to be able to bring you hopefully a small amount of joy in your life.

Know that my heart will be with you, Jessie. My Big Red.


I eased back into the seat, stunned and uncertain what his words made me feel. At least right at first. But as an overwhelming array of emotions crawled through me, a lump formed in my throat. I cared about him. More than I’d wanted to admit. Moaning, I dropped my head against the steering wheel. What the hell was wrong with me?

Seconds later, I jerked my head up, the swell in my heart entirely different than I’d ever experienced before. I’d once thought I was in love but later realized I’d only had a crush.

And on the wrong man.

This time, everything was different. My hands were sweaty, my lungs incapable of drawing a deep breath, my mind spinning with possibilities. My heart? There were no words to describe the way I felt about the rugged man. I couldn’t care less if people accused me of being presumptuous or taking unnecessary risks since I really didn’t know him. The simple truth was that I knew everything I needed to know about him.

Including that I’d fallen head over heels in love and I dared anyone to stand between us at this point. Call me crazy, but I no longer cared. The tingling sensations I’d felt early that morning had returned and as I pressed down on the accelerator, I made a promise to myself that James wasn’t going to win. He was never going to be allowed back into my life under any circumstances or Britta’s either. I would do what it took to enjoy happiness.

I found myself leaning forward on the seat, eager to thank Sebastian for his generosity, doing what I could to convince him to stay. As I rolled down the final curve, I tried to figure out what to say to him. Nothing seemed right. Nothing seemed appropriate.

As I pulled up the driveway, my nerves almost got the better of me. The closer to the house I came, the worse the feeling in the pit of my stomach was.

I pulled the truck to a hard stop.

He was gone. Was it possible he’d already left the state? I closed my eyes, the ache increasing. What if I’d fucked it all up?



“I have an attorney standing by if your friend needs someone in Colorado to represent her in the custody case. I don’t mind telling you that the Jenson family are powerful individuals themselves with several ties to various politicians in the state. At this point, the basic paperwork has been filed with limited details other than the grounds are that Ms. Logan is an unfit mother.”

“What about the fact Jenson was abusive to her?”

Parker laughed. “You didn’t hear this from me and if you repeat it, not only will I deny I ever made this statement, but you’ll need to find another attorney. And don’t you dare remind me how much money you bring to this firm.”

I wanted to laugh except nothing about this was funny. Not one fucking thing. “Just tell me, for fuck’s sake.”

“Greasing palms goes a long way. I think you understand what I’m getting at.”

“Yeah, I do. We’ll see if the good boy has a change of heart.”

“What did you do?”

“Just allowed James to understand he was still a little fish in shark-infested waters.”

Parker was the one to laugh for both of us. “You really are just like your father.”

While my attorney had worked with dear ole Dad for years prior to me taking over, he had no clue the kind of man I’d become.
