Page 12 of Covered in Coal

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“Carly Jo, just because the lock is broke, doesn’t mean you have to open it up.” I look up at him behind nervous eyes and nod. He takes my hand in his and pulls me from the bedroom. “You can plunder later, Capt’n, but right now, you’re gonna sit your ass down and listen to what I have to say, and I ain’t takin’ no for an answer.”

Chapter 9


I pull Carly Jo down the steps behind me with her fingers laced in mine. My body trembles with fear as I prepare my inner demons to be unleashed. There is no backing out now. If I want my forever with Carly Jo, it’s time to man up and lay all the cards on the table.

I guide her into the living room and pull us both down on the couch. I keep my arm tight around her shoulders for a few minutes as I try to steady my heart. Carly Jo turns to me with a sorrowful look in her eyes. She looks defeated, and I ain’t even begun.

“Darlin’, I never stopped lovin’ you. I never fell out of love with you. None of that means I didn’t make mistakes. Hell, I was a stupid bastard, but I want to tell you my side of the story so we can rebuild our relationship.” As I’m beginning my confession my cell phone rings, interrupting me. I glance at the screen and excuse myself so I can take the call. A few minutes later I return to the living room.

“Hey, how about you join me for supper tonight with my parents? Momma’s been cookin’ all day, and they’d love to see you. “

“No thanks; I’ll just have something here.”

“Woman, get your shoes on and get your ass in the truck. You know how persistent Emily Weston is. If you don’t show up, she’ll drive over here and expect an explanation. Besides, it’s actually better this way.”

She releases a heavy huff, laces up her shoes, and walks out to my truck. The drive is silent and nerve wracking. Within ten minutes we pull up to my parents’ home. I shut off the engine, hop out, and walk around to open the door for her. I lace her fingers within mine and pull her toward me. I tilt her chin up so I can look deep into her beautiful hazel eyes.

“After supper, we’re talkin’—no exceptions. For now, promise me that whatever happens this evenin’, you just roll with it. Promise me you won’t lose your shit.”

“Well now, that scares me. What makes you think I’m gonna—” Carly Jo trails off as she hears the front door open and the bubbly voice of the one lady who holds my heart safely and loves me unconditionally.

“Daddy! Daddy! I’m so glad you’re home! I’ve missed you, Daddy!” Kylee Jo shrills as she jumps into my arms and hugs my neck tight. I swing her around, and she lets out a heartwarming giggle. As I turn to set Kylee Jo down, I notice Carly Jo’s face is as white as a ghost, and I’m fairly sure her spirit has completely died and gone to heaven. She looked broken before, but now she looks empty.

I whisper to Kylee Jo, and a sweet smile spreads across her adorable face. She nods, then walks over to Carly Jo and wraps her tiny arms around her waist. “Hi, Ms. Carly Jo. My name is Kylee Jo Weston. My daddy talks about you all the time. Come on inside; Mamaw is cookin’ supper.” Kylee Jo tugs the still frozen Carly Jo toward the house.

Walking up from behind, I place my palm on the small of Carly Jo’s back and guide her inside the house. Kicking my boots off, I walk into the kitchen where Momma is setting the table for dinner. She looks up and sees Carly Jo and squeals like a schoolgirl, running over to hug her. She releases Carly Jo and turns her around and around, examining every square inch of her.

“Oh my, Carly Jo Simon. I’m so happy to see your pretty face. Lady, things just ain’t been the same around here without you! Sit and have some dinner. Lord, girl, you look like you never eat!”

“Ms. Carly Jo, I want you to sit between me and my daddy, please!” Kylee Jo begs with the cutest toothy grin. Carly Jo smiles down sweetly at my little girl and sits next to her. She still hasn’t said a word. Carly Jo always loved my momma, but I think she may have shell shock. Maybe this is all too much at once. We say grace then pile our plates high with chicken and dumplings.

“How was your day, princess?” I ask Kylee Jo.

“It was fun, Daddy. We got to decorate paper pumpkins, and I made mine extra sparkly, just for you!”

“Sweet, princess. I can’t wait to see your masterpiece.”

We make small talk throughout dinner, but Carly Jo only watches intently as I interact with Kylee Jo; a smile never forms on her face. As we finish dinner, she offers to help Momma with the dishes, but Momma declines her offer of course.

“Carly Jo, you ain’t said two words this entire time. Go on now; get through there and spend some time with Colton and Kylee Jo. I’ll clean up. Scoot, missy!” Momma waves her hands, shooing Carly Jo away.

“I’m gonna take Kylee Jo for some ice cream, then after I get her cleaned up and tucked into bed, I’ll take you home.” Kylee Jo comes strutting through the house wearing her favorite hot pink sparkly tutu, a sequined shirt that says “Rockstar” and flip flops.

“I’m ready, Daddy.I can’t wait to get me some chocolate ice cream! Let’s move it, people!” Kylee Jo demands. I open the door and bow at her request as she exits the house. Carly Jo walks past me and I grab her hand, lacing my fingers through hers, and she immediately tenses up. I don’t say a word because I know that she is freaked the hell out.

Kylee Jo climbs up in the back of my truck, and I snap the seat belt around her little lap, securing her. I walk around to open the door for Carly Jo, but she is already in the passenger seat safely buckled and staring off in space. I climb in, roar the engine to life, and back out of the driveway. I turn the radio on because that’s Kylee Jo’s loves to sing.

As soon as she hears “Roar” by Katy Perry, she squeals, “Oh Daddy, turn it up, turn it up!!!” She commences to sing and shout and twist and turn in her booster seat, trying to bounce to the rhythm of the music. She misses half the words, but her effort and love for music is adorable, nonetheless. I watch Kylee Jo through the rearview mirror, but in my peripheral I see that Carly Jo is smiling lightly. I reach over and squeeze her thigh and give her a wink. Looking at me, she still looks lost, and I can’t help but feel remorseful for springing all of this on her so quickly. If there is any hope for Carly Jo and me, I can’t wait another damn second. I want her now. Carly Jo was made for me—she’s mine. I just have to right my wrongs and pray to God that He shows her the way to forgiveness.

We pull into the ice cream shop, and I grab Kylee Jo from the back seat, then open the door for Carly Jo. We make our way inside and order three cones. Kylee Jo is bouncing with excitement; she loves her damn chocolate ice cream.

Kylee Jo likes to sit out front of the shop, so we make our way outside. Carly Jo and I sit on the bench, then Kylee Jo squeezes between us. “Scoot on over, Daddy, and don’t wrinkle my tutu!” she demands.

“Excuse me, princess. What happened to sittin’ on my lap like you always do?”

“I wanna sit next to Carly Jo. She’s my new friend; ain’t ya, Carly Jo? We even have matchin’ names!” Kylee Jo says just as she wraps her chunky little arms around Carly Jo’s arm.
