Page 27 of Covered in Coal

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“I quit the fire department about a year ago. You can only crawl into a burnin’ house so many times and come out emptyhanded, not able to save everyone before it starts to screw with your mind, ya know. It’s a hauntin’ sound, to hear screams and cries from children, and not being able to save them.” Luke clenches his eyes shut, shaking his head.

“It’s okay, Luke; you don’t have to talk about it.” He pulls away from me and pinches the bridge of his nose. He takes a deep breath as he opens his eyes, looking away distantly.

“Well, I think I’d better get goin’. We should get together again. I like talkin’ with ya.”

I scratch my number on a piece of paper from my purse and slide it across the table, then ask Luke for his. Usually, I wouldn’t do this, but other than Colton and Savannah, I have no friends here in Williamstown. Luke seems like he could use a friend. Hell, I think he’s as broken as I am.

Luke stands from the table and shoves the slip of paper into his pocket. With a small smile, he says goodbye and turns to leave. I grab my purse and follow behind him.

When I get inside of the Camaro, I hear my phone beeping from deep inside of my purse. I dig it out and see there are several text messages from Savannah and Colton. I read through the messages quickly to make sure there is nothing urgent. Savannah messages me to say that she and the kids are stopping by for a visit, so I reply back that I’ll be home around six p.m.

Colton has sent several messages, telling me that he misses me, wondering where the hell I am, and several lewd sexual comments. We’re just mending whatever this is between us, and he’s already obsessive and devious. I smile at my phone, remembering every second from yesterday; the way he makes me feel embraced in his arms.

I reply quickly: Had a meeting, then lunch, on my way back to the office.

Before I start the car, my phone beeps again, and another message comes through from Colton. Damn, shouldn’t he be supervising miners or some shit, not sitting on his ass texting me all damn day. Although, it is kinda sweet.

His text is short and sweet: Thinkin’ of you, darlin’.

I put the Camaro in reverse and make my way back to Simon Energy. It’s nearly three pm, so I have a little work left in my day, unfortunately. Walking into the office, Shelly hands me a stack of mail and several post-it notes with the calls I missed while I was out.

“Colton Weston has been looking for you all day, Ms. Simon,” Shelly says with a concerned look on her face. Shelly has been with Simon Energy for years, so I’m sure she is aware of our history.

I head toward my office and call back, “Ah, Shelly, I’m sure he’ll find me soon enough.” Shelly smiles in return and shakes her head. She may be old, but she ain’t stupid. She’s on to our little game of cat and mouse.

Closing the office door, I set my purse on the credenza and flop down in the leather chair. I kick my legs up on the desk as I begin to look through the stack Shelly handed me on my way in. There’s a light tap on the door, and before I have the chance to invite the visitor in, the door opens slowly. Colton. He’s smiling from ear to ear as he enters. He pushes the door closed behind him and takes a seat on the other side of my desk.

“Holy hell, darlin’. You really shouldn’t sit at your desk like that. I mean, damn. I appreciate the sexiness you’re illuminatin’, but another one of these jackasses sees you like this, heads will spin. And I’d hate to beat the brakes off one of these jackasses over oglin’ my girl.” My face turns red, and my sex clenches. Just one simple smile and he has me in overdrive. Okay, his words affect me too. He is so protective, overprotective in fact.

It’s such a turn-on.

“Hey,” I reply, looking up from my mail and trying to hide my blushed cheeks.

“You okay; you seem tense. Where have ya been all mornin’?” he asks, arching his eyebrows in interest.

“Had a meeting, then grabbed lunch. Not a good day.”

“Well, you should have called; I’d have met ya for a long lunch, darlin’,” Colton replies with a wink.

“To be honest, I really needed to be alone. I figured you had plenty of work ’round here to do, and I don’t pay you to fraternize with the CEO,” I say, with a wiggle of my eyebrows. Colton throws his head back and laughs, then replies with a smartass remark.

Colton pounces to his feet, wraps his hands around my hips, and thrusts me toward him. He rubs his nose up the crook of my neck, as he inhales my scent.

“We can’t do this here, not now. Please,” I pant, trying to calm my racing my heart. His touch sends my heart soaring to an unhealthy pace.

“Mmmm, I can’t control myself with you. You keep me all tore up. If you give into me, I can erase that worry from your beautiful face.” I pull away from his embrace.

“Calm yourself down, and get your ass back to work. I have paperwork to go through, and I don’t need you distracting me.” Walking around the desk, I sit and power on the laptop, trying hard to fight temptation. Biting down on my lip, I keep my eyes trained on the screen as Colton sits across from me, huffing a deep breath.

“Well, boss, I came in here to give ya bad news; just figured I’d butter ya up first. But since fraternizin’ with my boss is frowned upon, I’ll just give ya the news and pray my balls stay in tack. The miner is down for the day. Bit’s broke, so production stopped. My crew is workin’ on the repair right now, and I’m gonna stay back through second shift to make sure everything goes smoothly. We should be back up and runnin’ by the start of first shift tomorrow mornin’,” Colton says as he cracks his knuckles. Shit. Can this day get any worse? I pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to soothe the tension headache that is creeping up on me.

“Shit. We should be running full swing tomorrow morning?” I ask.

“As long as everything goes as planned, yeah. That’s why I’m workin’ over, to make sure of it.”

“Good, I appreciate that.” I release a big puff of air and smile.

“Alright, well, I gotta get back to it. You got plans for the evenin’?”
