Page 26 of Covered in Coal

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First thing on my agenda this morning is to light a fire under James McCoy’s ass. I want answers, and that bastard has them. Talking to Bill, Colton’s dad, last night, confirmed that James has more information on the connection between Drew Varney and my daddy than he is letting on.

After checking in at Simon Energy, I slip out of the office and make my way to James’ office. Alisa is filing her nails when I walk in, and she looks up and sneers.

“I don’t believe Mr. McCoy is expecting you today, and he is a very busy man. You’ll need to make an appointment and that could have been done over the phone, Ms. Simon.”

“Hell no, I ain’t makin’ no damn appointment. You go tell that worthless piece of shit James McCoy that I’m here, and I’m pissed. Now get off your skinny ass and shuffle,” I yell, pointing my finger in her face. Her eyes grow wild, as she jumps to her feet and prances down the long hallway quickly. A few seconds later, Alisa returns and asks me to follow her to James’ office.

“Carly Simon, what a surprise! I was just about to call?—

“My ass. It’s been over two damn weeks, James, and I haven’t heard a word from you, whatsoever.” I cut him off mid-sentence. “Do you realize that if it wasn’t for my daddy lining your pockets over the years, you wouldn’t even have a frickin’ law firm? John Simon was your biggest client, and now that I own Simon Energy, I’m your biggest client. I can walk away in a split second and find a more aggressive attorney who truly is deserving of my money. So you had better have some real damn answers for me.” I pace the floor as anger consumes me.

“Carly, there is no need to come into my office, screaming at me with such disrespect. I have to say Big John would be highly disappointed in you speaking to me that way,” James says, trying to intimidate me. I palm my hands on the edge of his desk and lean in close to the short, frumpy man.

“James, do I look like I give two shits about whether he would be disappointed in me? No. Now, show me what’cha got on Drew Varney. And you better have some real answers.”

James scowls back at me, then huffs in frustration as he opens his drawer and pulls out a manila file. I rip the file from his hands and quickly read through the pages. “I told you, Carly, you were getting in too deep. If Big John wanted you to know anything about Drew Varney or their relationship, he would have told you his damn self.”

I look up at him behind tear-filled eyes. “This shit can’t be for real,” I say, and James laughs right in my face.

“It’s legitimate. Big John had the paternity test done himself to confirm it. Drew Varney is your half-brother.”

My legs grow week, so I take a step backward in search of a chair. Anxiety creeps into my chest, and I pant for air, my chest growing tighter. James brings me a glass of water and sits on the edge of the desk, waiting for me to calm down.

“Carly, your daddy hid this from you and Savannah to protect you girls. I only gave you this piece of the puzzle to appease you. Now you know the truth. I suggest you keep this information to yourself. Big John didn’t want it getting out that he had an illegitimate son.” I try to gain the strength to stand so I can leave. With shaky hands, I reach for the door, but James grabs my wrist, stopping me. I turn toward him, and he smiles kindly and says, “Carly, I’m serious. Whatever it is you’re searching for, leave it buried with Big John. I’m warning you—you’re digging too deep into shit I don’t want stirred up.”

Heat rises up my face as I register James’ words. “James, are you threatening me?”

“Now, Carly, whatever would give you that impression? I’m only telling you to watch what you dig into, dear.” With a snarky sneer, I peer into his weathered eyes with the most evil look I can muster.

“Great. Because if you are, you might wanna remember that I’m a damned Simon, and nobody will threaten me and live to see the next light of day. Have a good one.” I turn on my heels and stomp away. I breeze right by that little bitch Alisa, slamming the front door open as I storm out into the cold breeze. I open the door and slide into the seat of my Camaro, tossing the file into the passenger seat.

My breathing is heavy, and my heart beats a dangerous moderato. I pound the steering wheel for a minute in frustration, letting the tears spring from my eyes. There is damn no way I have a brother. How in the hell could my daddy do this? Is this why Momma left us? I roar the engine to life, throw the car in reverse, and peel out of the parking lot. I don’t even know what direction I’m driving, or where I’m going; I just drive. My head pounds, and I can feel my heart beating in my ears. My breathing is rapid, my hands are shaking, and I feel like I’m going to vomit.

I continue to drive until I reach The Village Diner. Pulling into the empty lot, I check the clock for the time. Eleven-twenty; they’re open. I shift the car to park and shut the engine off. I grab the file from the passenger seat and climb out of the car to make my way inside.

I find a table at the back of the restaurant and take a seat facing the wall. I’m sure my face is stained red, smeared with black mascara, so I grab my compact and try to cover up the marks. The waitress comes to the table and takes my order—sweet tea and the largest slice of peanut butter fudge cheesecake she can cut.

I open the file and slowly go over each page, taking in all of the details of my newfound brother, Drew Varney. There is a copy of the original paternity test from 1985. So Daddy knew when Drew was born that he was his son? I shake my head in confusion. None of this shit makes sense. I close the file and stuff it in my purse. I can’t look at it anymore. I look up and see that my order is sitting on the edge of my table, so I pull the cheesecake closer to me. I pick at it slowly, trying to enjoy the sweetness, but my stomach protests in jittery knots.

“Bad day?” I hear from behind me. I turn my head to see Luke Ashton standing behind me, hands pushed into his pockets.

I sigh. “Yeah, guess you could say that.” Luke sits at the table and looks at me. His stare is intense, and I feel almost naked and vulnerable.

"I want to apologize for the other day.” I arch my eyebrow at him, curious as to what he needs to apologize for.

“What for, Luke?” He takes a deep breath before he speaks.

“I was rude. You were kind enough to give me a lift home when it was rainin’. You made a comment that kinda hit close to home, and I didn’t know how to respond. So for my silence and rudeness, I need to apologize.” Luke reaches across the table and places his hand on mine, rubbing circles with his thumb. His touch is electrifying, and it terrifies me.

“Luke, if I said something that made you uncomfortable, don’t you think I should be the one apologizing? I’m sorry. I appreciate your apology, but it’s obviously completely unnecessary,” I say, pulling my hand away from his contact. Luke smiles lightly, but his smile doesn’t touch his eyes, eyes that hold the same heartache that I’m sure he can see in mine. It’s haunting. I wonder what broke Luke.

“Carly, we ain’t really ever been close, but I’m here if you need to talk.” I smile at him but am at a loss for words. I’ve never been one to share my emotions or pain with anyone, but having his company right now would be nice.

“Thanks, Luke, I appreciate that. I’m okay. Just life, ya know. Let’s just catch up; would that be okay?” Any distraction from the devastating news I just received is welcome. Luke nods, and we begin to make small talk. Within minutes my stomach has settled, and the tension has eased, so I nibble on my peanut butter fudge cheesecake while we chat. What? I’m not about to let something that delectable go to waste.

We exchange stories of our lives over the last seven years, well, what we both feel like sharing I guess. Luke is somewhat of a chatterbox once he gets started, so I just let him talk. He tells me that he moved to Lexington after we graduated high school and became a firefighter with the Lexington Fire Department. He explains the thrill of entering a burning building to save victims from the flames. His face lights up with pride as he talks about the memories of his life as a firefighter, then suddenly he falls silent. Reaching across the table, I place my hand on his, and he looks up at me, his eyes filled with anguish.

“Ya okay?” I ask, but I know the answer. Luke smiles and nods.
