Page 32 of Rebuilding Rebecca

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As the evening waned, they exchanged pleasantries with Mr. Thompson, one of the large beneficiaries of Rebecca’s foundation. His hearty laugh and boisterous toasts were a staple of the evening.

Subtly anchored by Dante’s presence at her back, Rebecca let the evening air cool her overheated skin as their guests left. The quiet murmur of farewells interwove with the murmur of luxury cars—the purrs and hums of Jaguars and Mercedes and the stealth of the Teslas—as they rolled away one by one.

Mr. Thompson, his words slurred, his cheeks flushed a ruddy hue, extended his hand. “Marvelous evening, simply marvelous!” He swayed slightly, and Rebecca’s lips twitched in secret amusement. If she hadn’t had the maid switch his wine for grape juice halfway through dinner, he would be worse for wear. She exchanged a hug with Mr. Thompson’s wife, who thanked her for the evening before plucking the keys from her husband’s fingers and wrapping her arm around his waist, the two walking together to their car.

In her renowned graceful gesture, Mrs. Sinclair brushed her cheek against Rebecca’s face. She whispered only for Rebecca to hear, “You’re a natural at hosting, my dear.” The sincerity in her eyes spoke of acceptance and camaraderie.

“Thank you.” Rebecca squeezed the other woman’s hand. “And thank you for coming.”

Rebecca’s gaze followed the woman’s path to her quaint sportscar and lingered on the driveway. Once bustling with guests and their gleaming vehicles, the circular cobblestone cul-de-sac was now an empty stretch, bathing in the gentle silver of the moonlight. Like a soft whisper, satisfaction curled around her soul as the night quietened around them. The residual warmth of shared laughter and cherished stories cloaked her in comfort.

Leaning into Dante, her body found balance against his sturdy frame, his arm circling around her middle, a sanctuary for the subtle swell of life within her. “You did wonderful tonight, stowaway.”

A warmth simmered in her chest, and her lips curled into a smile as she laid her hand over his where it had been lightly stroking her baby bump. “Thank you, Sir. I never expected to enjoy hosting dinner parties, but I do.” The echo of laughter and clinking glasses filled her thoughts, a symphony of joy that interlaced with Dante’s presence, creating a harmonious melody of contentment within her. “And you are everything I ever wanted, and never thought I’d have. Hiding in your car was the best decision I ever could have made, Sir.” Rebecca stifled a yawn, her eyelids growing heavy as she snuggled closer to him, seeking the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat.

“You’re tired,” Dante observed, his lips seeking and finding the tender junction between her neck and shoulder. His touch ignited a cascade of happy shivers that danced through Rebecca’s being.

“Are you ready to retire for the night, Mrs. Malone?” His warm breath caressed her shoulder.

She rotated within his embrace. Warmth and fondness for her husband and Master swelled within her as she met his gaze. “Yes, Mr. Malone. My Master.”

She tipped her head back and their lips met as soft as a whisper. The featherlight stroke that was a mere breath ignited a cascade of emotions within Rebecca—love, passion, and a myriad of promises unspoken. A little over a year ago, Rebecca wouldn’t have imagined a connection that went beyond the physical could exist. As their souls intertwined, she was left yearning, yet fulfilled by their union. After a fleeting eternity, they stepped inside, leaving the silent and watchful stars as the sole witnesses to their intimate exchange.

The front door closed behind them and Rebecca giggled.

The nocturnal whispers of the night, the rustle of the leaves, and the symphony of crickets played their soft serenade as silence, deep and reassuring, settled over the residential neighborhood, whispering tales of fulfilled hearts and dreams that had become true.


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