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I sit with my head in my hands. My elbows planted on the cold tabletop. I never expected to be in this room. Never expected for things to turn out the way they did. The grinding sound of the thirty-year-old hinges has me lifting my head. My heavy eyes snag on the pair of shoes that enter the room. I let out a solid breath before I lean back in my chair.

Slowly, I meet the eyes of my brother. A man I would trust with my life. He braces his palms on the table across from me, head bowed, and shoulders bunched. Tension rolls off of him in waves, wrapping tight around my throat.

“It’s not looking good, Grey.” His hoarse voice reaches my ears and I clam up. Sweat breaks out on the back of my neck and my stomach rolls with nausea.

“The evidence is stacked against you.” He lifts his head. “What the fuck happened?”

I shake my head, running a hand over my face. “It’s not what it looks like, East.”

He stands tall, his hands hanging by his side. “I can only do so much. It’s too close to home. The sheriff will step in. Then it’s out of our hands.”

I nod. “I understand.”

“I don’t think you do, brother.” He pauses. “They’re gonna charge you.”

I clench my fists. “I was protecting her.”

Just like I promised.

“It doesn’t matter. What matters is what they can prove.” His eyes penetrate me with a pity I hate. “And right now, the evidence proves it was you.”

Chapter 1


Two weeks earlier.

I finish my last rep with a feral grunt. Sweat drips from my forehead as I place the bar on the rack with unnecessary force. My workouts are probably the only thing keeping me sane at this point. It’s off season. You would think the media vultures would have better things to do, but unfortunately, a scandal involving me and my good for nothing father is what’s taking the leader board right now.

Which is the reason I have four missed calls from my Coach, one from Mavery, the head of PR for the team, and my brother.

Yanking my shirt off, I toss it in the over flowing bin of laundry and shut off the music. I’m not ready to face the cluster fuck that is my life yet.

For now, I’ll take a hot shower and drink until I pass out. Like I have for the last week.

My phone rings and I reluctantly answer. Coach Rusk is annoyingly persistent and he ain’t gonna let up.

“Coach,” I answer flatly.

“Greyson. Avoiding me?” He questions.

“Maybe,” I answer honestly.

“I know it’s a shit show right now, and I know you got some family stuff going on, but we gotta get a handle on this.”

I tilt my head back, sighing at the fact I even have to deal with this. “I thought that’s what Mavery is for.”

“It is and she’s saving your ass right now,” he grits out.

“Yeah, leaking pictures of me and Anna Leslie like we’re already three steps down the aisle,” I scoff. “It was a few charity events and I wouldn’t touch her with a ten foot pole, so I sure as shit am not letting her anywhere near my dick.”

“Look, it’s better people are speculating about your love life rather than the fact you beat your father half to death in a very public place,” he counters.

My father. Anger soars through me at the thought. He deserves every punch I landed. He deserves it for destroying my mother and the damage he did to my brother. What kind of man pays his mistress whose half his age to say the child they created was actually his own son’s? For four fucking years.
