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I dart over to the chest I keep next to Nelson’s cage. I was an officer’s daughter, and I was trained to use a weapon at a young age. I fumble the drawer open, before pulling out the pistol I keep for situations just like this.

I raise it, pointing it directly at his shocked face. “Get. The fuck. Out,” I demand.

His hands raise and his expression immediately morphs from enraged to panicked. “Woah, baby. Come on.” He shakes his head. “This got out of hand. I’m sorry.”

“No.” I move a step closer. “Leave. Now. We’re done, Blaine.”

His nostrils flare as he backs up.


“Leave!” I scream.

He jolts but finally, turns for the door. But because he was an arrogant prick he turns, looking at me over his shoulder. “When you decide to stop being a bitch, we’ll discuss this further.”

“There’s nothing to discuss. It’s over,” I snap.

“It’s over when I say it is.” His voice was full of something sinister. Something I had never experienced. “Oh, and go ahead and tell that pathetic excuse for a cop brother of yours. I’m a well know lawyer, Tilana. You’re delusional if you think anything against me will stand in court.” He winks. “See you soon, baby.”

Then he slams the door.

And I fell to the floor.

Chapter 29


I had stopped by the center this evening to talk with Dixie. She wanted to do a day camp one Saturday so we were hashing out the details. I was hoping to run into Tilly. We hadn’t talked since last night when I pretty much laid out every feeling I’d kept hidden the last seven years.

“She left for the day.”

I turn to the voice just as I enter Tilly’s office.

Lucy stands at the end of the hall, a stack of papers in hand. “She was having Blaine over for dinner.”

My fist clench at the thought. The thought of her cooking for him. Laughing and enjoying a night at home. His arms she’s laying in while she watches some ridiculous horror movie. I hate them, but I’d watch every single one of them if it meant I could just sit next to her. Hold her hand. Watch her talk to the tv characters like they can actually hear her warnings.

“She wasn’t herself today.” Lucy chews on her lip. “She didn’t even wear her hearing aids.”

That got my attention. She only did that when she was overwhelmed. Thinking. Was she thinking about us? I grasp onto the notion like a lifeline.

“Thanks Lucy.” I wave before heading out the door.

I did something I hadn’t done in years. I went to the lake. To the spot that not only brought us together but tore us apart. I sat down on the rock, imagining her skating across the ice. She was so fearless. Jumping and spinning like nothing in this world could stop her. I can’t count the number of YouTube videos we watched as she tried to master a new technique. It wasn’t even something she wanted to do for sport. She wanted to do it for herself.

I let my mind travel back. Back to the night I crossed a line.

The past

I answered my phone on the second ring. “Grey.”

“Rosie.” I glance at the clock. It was just after ten PM.

“Did you know that flamingo’s mate for life?”

I chuckle as I stretch my feet onto my coffee table. “I was not aware of that random fact.”

“Well, they do.” She pauses. “I think it’s fascinating.”
