Page 21 of Royal Compromise

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Looking out the window gazing at the starlit sky, I can’t help but wonder what the future holds for us. Will we find a way to overcome the obstacles that stand in our way, or will we drift apart once again, destined to follow separate paths? It’s a question that weighs heavily on my mind, filling me with a sense of uncertainty and apprehension.

But despite the uncertainties that lie ahead, one thing is certain: the memories we’ve created together this weekend will stay with me forever. And as I drift off to sleep, wrapped in the warmth of nostalgia, I can’t help but feel a sense of peace wash over me, knowing that no matter what the future may hold, I’ll always cherish the moments we’ve shared together.


As we make our way back home, the atmosphere in the car is a mixture of bittersweetness and anticipation. The weekend may be coming to an end, but the memories we’ve created together will last a lifetime. I steal a glance at Cade, the soft glow of the morning sun illuminating his features, and I can’t help but feel a pang of sadness at the thought of saying goodbye.

“So,” I begin, breaking the comfortable silence that has settled between us. “What was your favorite part of the weekend?”

Cade looks over at me, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. “That’s a tough one,” he replies, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. “But I think I’d have to say it was our time on the beach.”

I nod in agreement, memories of our lazy afternoons spent lounging in the sun flooding back to me. “Yeah, me too. There’s just something so peaceful about being by the ocean, don’t you think?”

Cade nods, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. “Definitely. It’s like all your worries just melt away when you’re surrounded by the sound of the waves.”

We fall into a comfortable rhythm of conversation, sharing stories, and reminiscing about our favorite moments from the weekend. As the miles pass by, the tension that once hung heavy in the air begins to dissipate, replaced by a sense of closeness and connection that feels almost tangible.

“And what about you?” Cade asks, turning to look at me with a curious expression. “What was your favorite part of the weekend?”

I pause for a moment, considering his question carefully. “I think, for me, it was just being able to spend time with you,” I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. “To reconnect and rediscover the bond we once shared.”

A smile spreads across Cade’s face, his eyes sparkling with warmth and affection. “Yeah, me too,” he murmurs softly. “It’s been...special.”

And as we continue our journey back to Sweet Haven, the weight of our impending goodbye hangs heavy in the air. But for now, in this moment, all that matters is the shared memories and the unspoken promise of a future filled with possibility.

As we approach my house, the reality of our impending separation hangs heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the otherwise joyful weekend we’ve shared. Sensing the tension, Cade pulls the car to a stop in front of my house, his expression contemplative.

“So,” he begins, his voice hesitant. “I was thinking...would you like to go out on a date with me?”

His words catch me off guard, and for a moment, I’m at a loss for words. The thought of spending more time with him fills me with both excitement and trepidation, the memories of our past relationship still fresh in my mind.

“I would love to,” I finally manage to reply, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. “But are you sure? I mean, we live in different worlds, Cade. Can we really make this work?”

He reaches out, gently taking my hand in his. “I know it won’t be easy,” he admits, his gaze searching mine for reassurance. “But I’m willing to try if you are.”

I nod, a sense of determination swelling within me. “Okay. Let’s give it a shot.”

With that, we make plans to meet up later in the week for our first official date. The prospect of exploring our rekindled connection fills me with a sense of hope and excitement.

As Cade drives away, leaving me standing on the doorstep of my home, I can’t help but feel a sense of anticipation for the date that we’re going to have. And as I step inside, ready to face whatever the future may hold, I know that I’m ready to at least see where this goes, and hopefully we can build something again.

Chapter ten


The weekend has been a whirlwind of emotions, and as I drive away from Aria’s house, a sense of elation washes over me. I can’t believe how everything has fallen into place—from reconnecting with Aria to mustering the courage to ask her out on a date. It’s like a dream come true, and I can’t help but feel grateful for the opportunity to start anew.

As I navigate the familiar streets of Sweet Haven, my mind is filled with thoughts of Aria and the possibilities that lie ahead. Despite our differences, I can’t shake the feeling that we’re meant to be together and that our love can be strong enough to overcome any obstacle that stands in our way.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely notice the town around me. All I can think about is the look of joy on Aria’s face when she accepted my invitation, and the warmth of her hand in mine as we made plans for our first date.

I can’t wait to see her again and to spend more time getting to know her and exploring the connection that we’re recreating together.

As I reflect on the events of the weekend, a sense of disbelief washes over me. Could it be that the Joe and Rose orchestrated this entire weekend as a possible reunion between Aria and me? The thought lingers in the back of my mind, but strangely, I find myself not minding the meddling at all. In fact, if it weren’t for their intervention, I might never have had the opportunity to reconnect with Aria in such a meaningful way.

The walls that had once stood between us seem to be crumbling away, and now I can’t help but feel a surge of hope and excitement at the prospect of getting my girl back. It’s been a long time coming, but somehow, against all odds, we may be finding our way back to each other.

As I pull up to my aunt’s house, I can’t wait to see Aria again, to pick up where we left off, and to see where this newfound connection takes us. The thought of spending more time with her fills me with a sense of warmth and anticipation, and I feel grateful for the unexpected turn of events that brought us back together.
