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“Like you’ve been spending a whole lot of time these past couple of weeks with some gorgeous hunk who is a teacher and also appreciates theater? That you’ve been ogling a man who sounds like the perfect match for you?”

Rachel shook her head, not sure what to say.

“You don’t have to say anything. Those red cheeks say it all. I’m happy for you, Rachel. You’ve been alone for so long. It would be nice to see you have a little fun.”

“Well, I better go get my makeup finished. I want to be all ready for my return to the stage.”

“Nice change of subject. But fine. I’ll take it for now. Just be sure I get a good seat at the wedding, okay?”

Before Rachel could argue or correct him, he was around the corner, heading off to get ready for the show that was starting pretty soon.

Rachel studied herself in the mirror, wondering how things had managed to change so much in just two weeks. She was still terrified of where this was all going—or if it was going anywhere at all. But she could no longer deny things with Zander were getting more serious.

She painted on her lipstick, put on her costume, and prepared for her entrance to the stage, feeling alive and excited for more reasons than just her return to her job.

* * *

“Rumor hasit the stud in the front row belongs to you,” Jonathan whispered later that night when they were preparing for the evening performance. Rachel was tired, sitting back stage and resting her voice and legs before the second show of the day began.

“And where did this rumor circulate?” she asked, grinning.

“Does it matter? Is it true? Is the stud in the front row the hunk you’ve been seeing? Because girl, he’s gorgeous”

Rachel grinned, feeling the now familiar flutter in her stomach. The tickets she’d gotten Zander were for tonight. She’d been overly confident and perhaps overly hopeful that tonight, she’d be back on stage, which was why she’d taken the chance and gotten him the tickets for that night.

But hearing confirmation he was here was perhaps even better news than hearing the doctor clear her yesterday.

“Was he with anyone?” Rachel asked, concern creeping in.

“Yeah. A woman in a bright red hat who has been talking nonstop about Broadway back in her day,” Jonathan grinned.

Rachel was surprised. Zander had apparently tracked down Beatrice and asked if she would accompany him. She was excited that her second performance of her day back would mean even more. She’d have two familiar faces in the audience.

Today was a good day, no matter what happened or didn’t happen with Zander. She’d met a man who appreciated what she did on a deeper level than she could’ve ever asked for.

So when her time came to shine, she stepped onto the stage with confidence, her eyes traveling for a split moment to the two front seats who were filled with people here to support her. Beatrice waved, and Zander winked at her when she made eye contact.

And she had to admit that Jonathan was right. In his suit jacket, Zander Riley looked better than a million dollars or a lead role on stage.

* * *

“Are you sure, Beatrice?”

“Okay, I might be old and naïve, but I’m not dumb. I know you two kids don’t need a third wheel. Plus, it’s sort of terrifying leaving Gigi home alone this long. I need to get home anyway. But beautiful job tonight, kiddo. You’re a star in so many ways. Now you two kids have fun,” Beatrice replied, heading off to hail a cab.

Rachel stood in front of Zander, holding the bouquet of roses he’d brought for her. A girl could get used to roses.

“Thanks for coming,” Rachel said, the theater almost empty now as she stood before him. She was tired from her performance, but she was also energized by the sight of him in front of her.

“You were unbelievable. It was so good, Rachel. I mean, I’ve seen plays before, but never like that. Never with you.”

Rachel grinned. “Really?”

“I mean it. You were amazing. And then some.”

The words coming from his mouth meant more than any theater critic’s review. She felt her cheeks warm as she stared into his dark eyes, the familiar warmth growing in her chest.

“I’m sure you’re exhausted from the performance, but if you have a bit of energy left, I’d love to take you out for a drink.”
