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“You know I won’t. But Rachel, listen. I just want you to be happy. I want you to do what’s best for you. I don’t think getting in a relationship is the answer just because I’ve had personal experiences that tell me otherwise. But at the end of it all, what matters most is that you’re happy. Maybe you shouldn’t just completely write off this thing with Zander if it’s making you smile, if it feels right. Maybe you should reconsider.”

“Why is everything so difficult? Like, why is this all happening now? Things were going so well. I was just chugging along with my career and my routine. I found my groove. And now he comes along and just throws everything off.”

“That’s life, dear. But you’ll figure it out. You’re smart and sassy, and out of everyone, I know you’ll make a good decision.”

“I certainly hope so,” she said, leaning back to sink into the chair, trying to forget about Zander and all the complications that came with him as the technician finished her pedicure.

* * *

It was exactlytwo weeks after her fall from the balcony that Rachel finally, mercifully returned to the stage. She’d called Michael yesterday after the pedicure with Georgie to tell him the good news, insisting she could be at work before curtain call that night.

He’d told her to start back on Saturday. She’d hesitantly obliged with his request.

Walking into the theater to prepare for the afternoon show, Rachel was all smiles to be back. It felt like home to walk through the doors. Being away from her work for two weeks only underscored how important it was to who she was and her life. It was good to be back.

Clearly, her time away hadn’t been all bad. For two weeks, she got to focus on other aspects of her life—like Zander Riley. She got to see what life could be like if her heart didn’t have to compete with her work.

“Look who came back to work,” a tinny voice rattled from the hallway as Rachel prepared to tuck herself into the room to do her makeup.

She didn’t even have to turn around to see who it was.

Casey. Lead actress Casey. Overly full of herself Casey.

Rachel sighed, reminding herself to paint on her best smile. Casey managed to get the lead role. She could act a little superior if she wanted; she’d earned the right.

But Rachel still felt like she often overdid it.

“Hi, Casey. Yes, I’m glad to be back.”

Casey smirked. “Going to do any balcony dives today?”

Rachel bit her lip to hold back commentary she knew just wasn’t professional or appropriate.

“Not today,” she murmured instead, saving the eye roll for after Casey had walked away to her lush dressing room

A moment later, Rachel was working on her eyeliner when she heard another voice.

“Thank God you’re back! It’s been insufferable not having anyone to complain about Casey to,” he murmured, and this time Rachel turned and found herself in a set of strong arms.

“Jonathan, hey!” she exclaimed, squeezing her best work friend. He was her ally in the anti-Casey campaign, a secret group that complained about the costar’s insufferable ego. Currently, it was more of a complaint group and only had two members, Rachel and Jonathan.

“How are you feeling, girl? We missed you so much. I kept meaning to visit, but things got crazy with my mother and I actually missed a few days of work myself. Are you doing okay?”

Jonathan talked a mile a minute, like he always did, but Rachel didn’t mind. She loved his enthusiasm, and the two had always hit it off. They were each other’s sanity in the day-to-day grind.

“I’m better. Glad to be back. How’s your mom doing? Everything okay?”

Jonathan’s mom was suffering from dementia, and she had been on a downward spiral as of late. Rachel knew the actor had a lot on his shoulders, as he was the only family his mom had left. His heart was in acting, but sometimes it was tough for him to be on stage knowing all of the things going on with his family.

“She’s okay. We had a few rough days in the middle of last week. She’s been going downhill, but some days are better than others.”

Rachel rubbed his arm, nodding. Her heart ached for Jonathan. She could see in his eyes that his mother’s situation was devastating, but there was really nothing she could do or say to help.

“Enough about me, though. So I ran into Gigi the other day at our yoga class, and she tells me there may be a gentleman in Rachel Winter’s life. At first, I thought she was absolutely crazy or that you did actually hit your head harder than I heard. But she assures me it’s true.”

Rachel blushed. She should’ve known that any secret sitting with Gigi or Beatrice, though, wasn’t really a secret anymore.

“I’m sure it’s not what Gigi made it seem like.”
