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Chapter 17


Rachel waited at the side of the stage, her “big” moment coming up.

In truth, it was only six lines, the only lines she had in the play. Still, every performance, she took those lines seriously. She delivered them with poise and confidence and told herself you never knew who would be in the audience. You never knew who was watching your performance, so you had to make each one count.

Some of the other cast members didn’t share in her sentiment. A lot of the younger cast members saw this tiny role as a stepping stone to greater things, expected it to be that. They wandered into the play at the last second, sometimes a little bit tipsy, not worried about a single line or a role in the chorus. Rachel didn’t have that luxury. She was starting later in the game and knew she was lucky to have the role at all. She had to make every moment count, every opportunity count.

She would keep showing up and doing her best so that when a chance to move up came up, she’d be ready. She wouldn’t stop chasing those dreams, no matter what.

She sauntered onto the stage as she had done for so many shows a week for the past six months, the steps so familiar she could walk them in her sleep. She felt the hot spotlights on her face, took in the view of the crowd that would just never get old.

And that’s when she saw him.

He hadn’t told her he was coming tonight, but there he was, in the second row of the center section. He must have spent a fortune on his seat… and he’d already seen the play. Rachel was stunned to see him, beaming at her as she stood on stage, taking in the sight of him.

She knew he wasn’t here to see the play again. She knew he was there for her, and the sweet gesture made her smile in spite of herself.

No matter what happened, she knew Zander Riley was the kind of man that saying yes to could be possible with. She knew she found a man who not only supported her dreams but went above and beyond to prove that.

She turned her attention back to the play, tearing her eyes away from Zander. She realized the actors and actresses on stage were staring at her, waiting for her moment.

She’d said the words hundreds of times in rehearsals, in performances, probably even in her sleep. The hot lights shining down, everyone staring at her, she opened her mouth to speak the words she knew by heart.

But suddenly, there was a problem.

She froze, panic settling in the pit of her stomach. For the first time in her entire career, Rachel faced the most terrifying problem an actress could face.

She had no idea what her lines were, her mind a blank slate frozen in panic as everyone watched.

And suddenly, the lights were melting her, scorching her skin and her dreams right along with it. Another actress nearby covered the lines, saying the words Rachel couldn’t find. Rachel tried not to cry as she felt her dreams being incinerated, her career going up in flames, all while the gorgeous eyes of Zander Riley watched from the second row.

* * *

He was thereafter the play with a single red rose and a consoling smile, but Rachel couldn’t find her own grin. Tears were falling, and she just needed to get home.

She’d ruined it. The thing she’d feared the most had happened.

And it was all his fault.

In reality, that wasn’t fair, she knew. She’d let him into her life, even though she’d known all along it wasn’t a good idea. She’d let him grab ahold of her heart. She’d let him lead her down this path of kisses and love and the possibility of a long-term commitment. She’d let him break her promise to herself.

But it had to end here.

“Rachel, it’s okay,” he whispered as they found an empty corner in a backstage room, Zander familiar with the layout after visiting her so many times here. He handed her the red rose, but she didn’t take it, fumbling with her hands instead.

“It’s not, Zander. I messed up out there.”

“No one could tell, I swear. It’s fine. Everyone slips up.”

“But I don’t,” she exclaimed, forceful and with a bit of harshness. “I don’t mess up.”

“Hey, it’s going to be okay. You had an off day. It happens to everyone.” He tried to pull her in, but she stepped back.

She looked at the man in front of her who had opened her heart so much in the past few weeks. She saw all of their late night talks these past couple weeks, their dinner dates, their trips to the local bars. She saw all of the hope and excitement she’d experienced with him—but now, another feeling inched in.

