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Chapter 16


“So, it’s nothing fancy, but if I’m being honest, it’s more my style,” Zander said, leading her into the greasy diner on the outskirts of the city. They’d taken a cab here and chatted on the way about Rachel’s return to the play.

“Sounds amazing to me,” Rachel replied, leaning into him as they found a corner booth and claimed it at theirs.

It had been a few nights since Zander’s meltdown at the theater, and Rachel was relieved they were back on track. He’d filled her in with even more details about Sheila over drinks, and she’d exposed the truth about her relationship with Seth. They’d come clean about their pasts, both uncovering deep wounds that had yet to heal.

They talked about their fears and their issues, but neither was scared away. In fact, the opposite had happened. They were drawn more closely together through their shared pain and fears.

And when Zander had kissed her at the end of the night, she knew things were going to be okay. She knew the thing growing between them was the real deal.

She also knew that eventually, she’d have to broach the subject with the No Brides Club. But not yet. She wasn’t ready to share this part of her life or heart with anyone but Zander. Maybe it was because it still felt a little surreal. Maybe she just needed to warm up to the reality that her heart was no longer just her own.

The two studied the menu, joking about the week and the crazy cab driver they’d just endured, when Rachel looked up at the door.

“Oh no,” she whispered, her heart pattering.

She wasn’t ready to share Zander with anyone or to confess to the group she’d changed her ways.

Still, there was little chance of avoiding it now—because right in front of her was none other than Kate, wandering up to the pie case, talking animatedly on the phone with someone as she pointed to one to purchase.

“What is it? You look pale,” Zander said, reaching for her hand. He followed her gaze to the other side of the diner, looking back at her.

“It’s Kate. From the No Brides Club,” Rachel hissed, trying to shrink into herself and not draw attention to their table.

This was not how she wanted the club to find out. She didn’t want them to realize she’d been hiding this from them all. Not that they would be mad, necessarily. In truth, it felt ridiculous to be sneaking around at her age, especially when some of the women had already fallen in love. It’s not like they’d throw her out of the club. Still, she had made promises to herself and to them, and she didn’t intend for them to see her as a liar.

“The what?” Zander asked, and Rachel looked at him, her cheeks warming as she realized he had no clue what she was talking about.

She took a drink of her water, studying the register as Kate, still talking on the phone, reached for her wallet to pay for a pie the waitress was boxing up.

She held her breath as she watched her take the pie, sign a receipt, and leave out the front door.

Rachel exhaled, knowing she’d dodged an awkward run-in. Thank goodness Kate had gotten her pie to go. She could tell the club about Zander on her own terms.

“Sorry,” she said, returning to the conversation at hand. She took another breath, not sure how to explain what many didn’t understand. “The No Brides Club. It’s a group I joined three years ago.”

Zander raised an eyebrow, and Rachel smiled.

“I know, it sounds odd. But we’re just a group of friends who meets every Thursday. We started with the agreement we’re not looking for marriage or serious love. We’re focused on our careers, that’s all. They’re my best friends, and I love them all. I just, well, this would be a lot to try to explain if they saw me.”

Zander stared at her, and she knew he had a lot of questions.

“Look, when I joined the group, I was adamant I wouldn’t let a man get in the way of my career again. I told you all about what Seth did. The other ladies are all focused on their careers, too. It just made so much sense at the time.”

“Does it now?” Zander asked, studying her.

She stared back at the man who had, in fact, made everything she’d promised three years ago seem silly and nonsensical in a way. “I don’t know,” she whispered, biting her lip. “I do know I really like being with you. And kissing you. And, I don’t know, I think maybe the woman I was three years ago had no clue that such an amazing man was going to walk into her life. I’m sorry for acting so weird when Kate came in.”

He reached across the table, grabbing for her hand. “No apologies needed. I get it. I do. We’ve both been through a lot, and I understand you need to protect your career. But I really like being with you, too, Rachel. And kissing you—that’s an understatement, in fact. I love kissing you. I know this whole thing with us was fast and unexpected and threw us both for a loop. But I also think sometimes in life, the best things are the ones we didn’t see coming. I’m crazy about you. And club or no club, I think you’re crazy about me, too.”

“I am,” she admitted, leaning across the booth to kiss Zander. They lingered in the kiss for a long, sweet moment.

“So, will you ever tell your friends about me?” he asked, grinning after they’d pulled away.

She ran a hand through her hair. “I feel bad keeping it from them. So yes, eventually. I just, I don’t know. I’m kind of okay with keeping you all to myself for now.”

“I like the sound of that, too,” he said, returning his attention to the menu but still studying her every now and then.

Rachel looked back at her menu as well, knowing eventually she would have to tell the club—and not sure how they’d all react.

But that was a problem for another day. For now, she would just bask in the joy she was feeling, in the peace she felt at knowing she’d found a good man.
