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Chapter 24


When Ian woke up, Zander was sitting in the waiting room with Elyse, still holding her hand. It was completely unexpected when Anne came rushing into the room, a smile on her face.

“He’s asking for you,” Anne said through her tears, and Zander jumped to his feet.

“Really? He’s okay?”

“I think he’s going to be okay,” Anne said, the tears flowing. “Do you want to come back?”

By this time, Zander’s parents were back and Zander looked at them. His mom, a blubbering mess already at the news, nodded, so Zander took this as a sign he could go back.

“Good news. I’m happy for you,” Elyse said, patting his hand. “Go.”

And with that, he did, ready to see what his brother had to say and thankful for the chance to talk to him again.

* * *

“Big brother,”Ian mumbled, the wires hooked up to him making it difficult for him to speak. Zander rushed to his brother’s bedside, sinking down into the chair beside him. He grabbed his hand, leaning in.

“Ian, thank God you’re going to be okay. Quite a scare you gave us all,” Zander said, staring at his brother, afraid to take his gaze away from him.

“Sorry for that. But at least I got you out to California,” he said, grinning weakly.

“That you did. I love you. I was so scared,” Zander added seriously.

“I know. I’m sorry,” Ian said again.

“Nothing to be sorry about, buddy. Just don’t pull a stunt like this again,” he quipped, and Ian nodded slightly.

“Thanks for being here for Anne. I know it couldn’t have been easy.”

“No problem. That’s what family’s for,” Zander added.

Ian looked over at him, and despite the pain he was clearly in and all of the equipment hooked up, he looked like himself. The fire was back in his eye. Zander couldn’t be happier.

“Sorry for interrupting,” a voice beckoned from the door, and they both looked to see Anne, still a tearful mess, standing nearby.

Zander rose from his seat. “Not at all. I’m sure Ian would rather be seeing you right now than me. You’re much better to look at, after all.”

Anne grinned, walking slowly toward the bed, taking Zander’s seat. Zander turned in the threshold to see her leaning in to Ian, the look in her eye nothing but gratitude and love.

He stood for a moment watching as his brother and sister-in-law stared at each other, their connection palpable from across the room.

Zander sighed. His brother might be reckless and crazy and living on the edge, but he also had done something majorly right in his life. He’d loved just as recklessly, just as unabashedly, and it had paid off. Seeing him with Anne, Zander realized no matter what happened in his life, Ian would always have that one place to call home in her.

And, standing and looking at the love radiating between the two of them, Zander realized without a doubt what he needed to do.

It was a whole lot of crazy and perhaps the most reckless, risky thing he’d ever done. But looking at Ian, understanding how fragile life truly was, Zander knew he was doing exactly what he wanted and needed to do.

Hopefully Rachel would see it the same way, but only time would tell.
