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Chapter 23


Even chocolate cake couldn’t make up for Rachel’s glum mood.

She’d messed everything up this time. It was all her fault.

In the past, love had dealt her a tough blow. Her relationship had fallen apart, and it wasn’t exactly her fault. It was just that she’d figured out what she wanted and what she didn’t, and Seth wasn’t what she wanted. They’d ended their love with teary goodbyes and regrets.

But things with Zander had been different. It had been Rachel’s fault. She’d clammed up, gotten scared, and ended it with an icy goodbye. Now, after days of cooling off and days of chatting with Beatrice and Gigi, Rachel realized the difficult truth—she’d messed up.

And it seemed like it was way too late to rectify things. She’d called Zander days ago but hadn’t heard back. She’d tried again last night after gaining some confidence from Beatrice and Gigi. He didn’t answer.

She’d texted this morning, only to be met with more, icy silence.

He was done. She’d got what she wanted, had pushed him away. And Zander Riley was done, done, done with her.

She couldn’t blame him. She hadn’t exactly left any room for interpretation in her goodbye. She’d made it clear she was walking away, that her career was worth more, and that she didn’t want to see him.

But now she realized what a fool she’d been. Her heart actually ached with regret. Gigi and Beatrice were right—she loved him. She shouldn’t give that up.

Sighing, Rachel checked her phone once more before leaving for the theater. There were a few social media updates, but nothing from the man she wanted to hear from. She shook her head.

It looked like she would be keeping her promise after all—there would be no love in Rachel’s life. She’d let the love of her life slip right through her fingers, and she had no one to blame for her loneliness but herself.

She’d tried so hard to protect herself from a broken heart but still ended up with one.

Sometimes it was love that broke your heart—and sometimes it was just your own stupidity.
