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The women didn’t say a word, staring at Rachel as she continued. She took a breath, found some courage, and pushed on. “I met a man who has changed things quite a bit. He’s changed my views of love and life. He’s changed my views of myself and my future. I didn’t expect this to happen. Neither did he. In fact, we both fought it quite a bit. Somewhere in these past few months, though, we’ve realized the instant attraction we felt on the first day we met was more than just chemistry. It was something much, much stronger. It was a need we didn’t know we wanted to fill. It was a connection more powerful than even our darkest fears about love. And over the past few months, he’s helped me realize love and careers can coexist, if you find the right person. Love doesn’t have to tear down your dreams like I once let it. It can actually help you build your dreams right up. And that’s what Zander Riley’s done for me.”

“The roses guy?” Kinsley asked, smiling softly.

“Yes,” Rachel admitted, and the whole group seemed to be grinning.

Rachel raised an eyebrow, surprised they were smiling at each other like they had an inside joke. “What?” she asked.

“Nothing. It’s just, well, after that first night in your apartment when we saw the roses, we all kind of came to the consensus on our way out of your apartment you were in trouble. That the way your face looked when you said his name gave it all away. We knew then it was more than a kind gesture. We knew there was something building. And we’ve seen it in the way you carry yourself. We called you out, remember? And said you seemed different, happier? We might be in this club for a reason, Rachel, but we’re also not blind. We have hearts of our own, and we know life changes. We know what it’s like when someone is in love, real love,” Georgie announced.

Rachel studied her. “Wait, you’ve all known all along?” She had, of course, confided in Georgie.

“I didn’t say anything. I didn’t have to. They all came to their own conclusions,” Georgie defended.

“We did,” Julie added. “We knew this guy was going to change you, in a good way. We haven’t even met him, and we knew that.”

Rachel was taken aback. All this time, she’d thought she had this secret. She’d been afraid of how they would react—but they’d known all along on some level. There was no hiding it.

“So you aren’t mad about it?” Rachel asked.

“Why would we be mad? We’re not some teenagers, Rachel, who need to hide our life choices from each other. Sure, we made this club a few years back because of where we were in our lives then. But as we’ve all come to learn, life and love change. This club at the core is about happiness and fulfillment. At the time, we were all connected by the belief our happiness and fulfillment didn’t come from men. But that doesn’t mean we are glued into that belief. It doesn’t mean our friendships are only centered on that notion. We are friends, first and foremost, because we have connections with each other. That may have stemmed from our beliefs about love, but it’s deeper than that. And I’m certainly not one to judge you or anyone for having a change of heart, especially if it’s what makes you truly happy,” Kinsley said, and everyone in the group nodded.

Rachel felt teary. Kinsley was right. She’d been a fool to think their friendship was only based on some notion, some belief they’d all ascribed to at one point. This group of women had become something much stronger than a promise they’d made years ago. They’d become like family, building each other up and helping each other chase what life had to offer.

“We’re happy for you, Rachel. We’re so happy. And we’re happy this is out in the open so we can finally meet the stud who stole Rachel Winter’s heart. He’s got to be a good one,” Julie said, and Rachel felt her cheeks turn red.

“He’s the best. He’s everything and then some.”

“Well, I have a serious question,” Kinsley added, and everyone turned to look. “Where’s the ring?”

“Yes, we need to see the ring!” Julie added.

Rachel smiled, pulling out her bag, digging for the diamond, and sliding it back onto her finger. She bashfully put her hand into the center of the table for all to say.

There were several minutes of exclamations as they all ogled the diamond.

“Well, this guy has my vote. He’s got amazing taste,” Julie said.

“Clearly. Look at the star he put the ring on,” Kinsley added.

“We’ve got to meet this guy. I can’t wait to get to know him.”

“Well, he’s a special education teacher, but he’s also got dreams of being on Broadway,” Rachel announced, beaming.

“Sounds like a perfect fit.”

“To finding love in spite of a hesitant heart, and to Rachel and Zander. May they be an example for all of us that sometimes love finds us, no matter what promises we make,” Kinsley said, raising her glass in a toast.

Everyone joined in, and Rachel felt the weight of her secret lift. She felt like she could finally be herself, her true self, and let her friends join in the happiness with her.

“I have another question, actually,” Georgie added.

“What?” Rachel asked, almost afraid to hear it. Georgie was her best friend and didn’t feel the need to sugarcoat her questions as much as the others did with Rachel.

“Are we going to have some crazy musical theater wedding to go to? I know how you drama types are. You’ve got a flair for, well, drama. So if you tell me it’s going to be like a Sweeney Todd theme or something, I might just cry. But I need to know these things so I can work on my costume. We non-theater types don’t exactly have a closet full of costumes.”

Rachel grinned, pretending to rub her chin. “Sweeney Todd, huh? I like the sound of that. Maybe that will be perfect, indeed.”

“Well, if Rachel’s involved, I know it will be fun, wild, and a whole lot of sparkle,” Julie noted, and the others nodded in agreement.

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