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“And a whole lot of pink,” Georgie added.

“There’s time to figure out the details,” Rachel said. “We’re in no rush.”

“Honey, you have a ring on your finger in what, less than a season? Sorry if we don’t quite believe you’re going to take your time getting to the aisle.”

Rachel grinned, knowing there was really nothing she could say because it was all true.

Life had taken a turn at the blink of an eye. The thought didn’t scare, Rachel, though. In fact, nothing seemed to scare her anymore. She was, for the first time, not thinking about planning out her future or worried about where it would go. Instead, the thought of walking into the future with Zander holding her hand made her smile, made her excited, made her think about so many possibilities.

Life made no promises, but Rachel Winters did.

Rachel Winters could say no to a lot of things—but it turned out she couldn’t say no to the man who grabbed her heart. And something told her that down the road, she’d be really thankful for that.

For now, she finished chatting wedding colors and the proposal story with the best group of friends Rachel could ask for.

The No Brides Club may have to change its name, perhaps, but it wouldn’t change the fact the women in it had each other’s backs, no matter what new promises came up.
