Page 19 of Lone Hearts

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“So they tipped you off, then?”

Shit, this isn’t how I wanted this to go. “No, I just mean I come here a good bit.”

“In the what, two weeks, you’ve lived here, you mean?”

“Well, yes, but they have great pancakes, so I was coming for them.”

She nods, wide-eyed, “Oh, I see,” she says, clearly mocking me.

“Well, I could ask the same question,” I reply. “What are you doing here?”

“Business meeting.”

“Oh.” Yeah, that didn’t really go anywhere.

“But, well, I better get going. I have a meeting with my lead designer and then some phone calls to make. Nice seeing you again, Cash.”

“Well, wait a second,” I hear myself saying. I just can’t imagine letting her walk out that door, can’t imagine not seeing her again. I flash back to the other night, the feel of her skin on mine, the expert way she moved, her hair taking on a life of its own as she claimed ownership of my body in a way no woman has before. I think about the connection, about the warm feeling when she was with me. It was more than just sex. It was… I don’t know what it was. And I’m sort of scared to know—yet I can’t imagine not figuring it out.

“Yeah?” she asks, flipping a strand of blonde hair out of her face.

“What are you doing tonight? I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get dinner.”

She smiles. “That’s sweet, but that’s just not really my thing.”

“Eating?” I ask.


I blink. Wow. The player thing’s for real. “Why not?”

“I don’t have to answer that,” she says, shaking her head and preparing to walk away.

“Wait a second,” I say, hating how desperate I sound. What the hell’s happened to me? Still, as she stands near the door, waiting for my profound statement, I realize it’s too late to back down now. “I get it. I do. I’m not one for dating either. With work and with my lifestyle, I’m fine being alone. I’m fine with just sex. In fact, it’s sort of my mantra, at the risk of sounding like an asshole.”

“I don’t think it sounds like you’re an asshole. I get it.”

“Well, then what’s the harm of dinner? Of going out again? The other night was amazing. Why not go for another round?”

She pauses as if she’s considering it, her eyes lasering into mine. For a moment, I think I’ve won her over.

“I had fun, too. Which is exactly why this has to stop there. One night, Cash. That’s it. I’m sorry if that makes me seem like a bad person, but it is what it is. I’m focused on my career and work. I like to have fun, but that’s it. I’m okay with one-night stands being just that: one night. And as great as you seem and as fun as it was, I just… I can’t risk anything more, you know? So thanks, but no thanks. It was good talking to you.” And with that, she spins on a heel and opens the door, walking out into the morning air as she leaves me behind in her wake.

“Wow, she’s giving you a run for your money. She’s going to be a tough one to break,” Lysander says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

“Who says I want to break her? Who says I’m going to go after her? I’m fine.”

I turn to face Lysander, who is raising an eyebrow. “Sure, you are. That sad puppy face right now is just my imagination. Cash, there’s nothing wrong with pursuing something you want, even if it’s a little tough. Or Sage Everling tough. I mean, who better to beat her at her own game? You’ve owned the game for how long now, right?”

He’s referring to my player reputation, which we discussed the other night at a bonfire at Wild Hearts. Levi sort of ratted me out to his friends. Not that they’re judging. Except for Avery and Jesse, the others have sort of been there before in some version. Just not to my extent.

“Yeah, but I don’t know why it matters. I’m not looking for love either.”

“Cash, no one goes looking for love. That doesn’t mean it can’t come to claim you.”

“I hardly know her. I mean, I know her body, but not her. She’s probably terrible.”

“You and I both know you don’t believe that. Now get to the booth, and I’ll send Georgia out with some pancakes while you think about how you’re going to win over Ocean City’s truest fashionista.”

I want to tell him I’m not going to, that it doesn’t matter. I want to tell him that I’m done. But I know it’s not true. Because I may have myself convinced I can control my heart, but there’s one thing I know without a doubt I can’t control—my competitive nature. And it seems like Sage Everling has just challenged me to the biggest competition of my life. I hope she’s really ready to play.
