Page 27 of Lone Hearts

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After takingcare of some paperwork at the condos and the apartments, I head over to Wild Hearts on Monday evening to see Levi. When I get there, I take a seat at Midwestern Nights, the café attached to the horse-riding coral, and listen to Reed animatedly chatting with customers.

“Hey,” he says once he’s finished selling a couple some Texas sheet cake from the display. On a typical day, he runs Midwestern Nights here with Levi. It’s a branch of his husband Lysander’s Midsummer Nights. “What are you up to?”

“Just stopped by to see Levi. Wanted to check the place out.”

“He’s on the trail with a group of fourteen-year-olds here for a birthday party.”

I shake my head. “Sounds like hell.”

“That’s what I thought too. Especially after our day. We had a group come over from the senior center this morning. That was a trip.”

“Glad to hear things are busy. It’s good to see Levi’s dreams coming true again.”

I mean it. It was a rough year the year he had his accident. Although I never quite understood the bronc riding thing, I did understand his devastation when it ended. It’s good to see my big brother picked himself up, dusted himself off Creed style, and rebuilt his life with a new dream.

“You want some sheet cake while we wait for him to get back?” he asks.

“Probably should watch my figure. Haven’t been to the gym since I got here.”

“Please. That figure’s looking fine to me. I’m sure Miss Everling would agree.”

I roll my eyes. “I swear. Can we have just one conversation that doesn’t involve her?”

“Get me one of those new bags I’m hearing about before they hit the store online, and maybe.”

“I don’t think that’s in the cards for you.”

“A man can dream.”

“That he can,” I say as Reed winks, rushing to the display case to pull me out some Texas sheet cake. He brings it over and slides it to me on the table, sitting across from me.

“Damn, that’s good,” I say after a couple of bites. “Maybe even better than Mama’s. Just don’t tell her.”

“Thanks,” he says, beaming as I wolf down the rest of the dessert.

“So,” I say through a mouthful of cake. “What’s new with you and Lysander?”

Reed shrugs. “Can you keep a secret?”

“No. Not really.”

He raises an eyebrow. I shrug. “Just being real. But go ahead. I’ll give it my best.”

“We’re going through training to become foster parents.”

“What? Are you serious? That’s wonderful, man,” I say, putting down my fork.

“Yeah. I mean, there was a time I wasn’t sure about being a dad, but being with Lysander, it’s really shown me that it’s possible, that I can be a dad. And I thought who better to understand what it’s like being a foster child than me? Since I grew up in it, I know exactly what it feels like. I think that could really help me help out other kids going through it.”

“That’s beautiful. I know I don’t know you that well, but it’s going to be great. Listen, I know things can get tricky. If you ever find yourself needing legal advice, you know, to look over paperwork or whatever, you know where to find me.”

“Thanks,” he smiles. “We haven’t told anyone else yet. We just want to wait until we get through training and all, until it’s official.”

“I won’t say a word,” I reply. It’s kind of cool that Reed trusted me with this even though I’m not really on the inside of the group yet. Of course, maybe that’s why he trusted me. No risk when you don’t know someone that well.
