Page 32 of Lone Hearts

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“You two do smell a little ripe,” Levi replies.

“We were dumpster diving at the crab shack,” I say.

“Little brother, you have some new hobbies you need to enlighten me about? Dumpster diving doesn’t quite seem like your scene.”

“Well, it is if it gives him the chance to win Sage Everling over,” Reed adds, and I shoot him a look.

“Oh, did you two find Monticello?” Lysander asks.

“No. I told Reed it was useless,” I say. “There are already a ton of people looking for him. But Reed was convinced he’d be in the dumpster at the crab shack.”

“Makes sense, right?” Reed asks, jumping to his own defense.

“I think it was worth a shot,” Lysander replies, leaning across the bar to kiss him. “I love you, even if you do smell a little odd. How about you head home and grab a shower? Maybe I could take a break, get Joseph to run the bar.”

“Oh, I could use some company,” Reed murmurs.

“Do you two ever simmer down?” Levi asks.

“What fun would that be? Now, you two boys, behave. And Cash, keep your eyes open. You never know when opportunity could just drop into your lap. A cat can only be in so many places, you know?” Reed says, slapping my back as he leaves.

I shake my head, drinking my beer as the two rush out like teenagers. It’s just me and Levi at the bar now.

Levi smirks. “So, dumpster diving for cats now? Man, brother, she’s got you good, real good.”

“What are you talking about? This was Reed’s idea. I was just helping him out.”

“Uh huh. You tell yourself that. You tell yourself you weren’t trying to be the hero, save the day so Sage gives you another chance. Oh, shit. You’re done for. I’ll get my wedding toast ready.”

I elbow him. “Keep dreaming. I was just being nice. There are plenty of fish in the sea I haven’t tested out yet.”

“Yeah, but there’s only one who has you hooked.”

“No one beats this fisherman at his game.”

“We’ll see about that,” Levi says before heading around the bar to get himself another beer.

* * *

The restof the week passes by at a steady pace. I call in the plumber for some repairs at the condo and show a few apartments off to some newcomers. I go to the club a few times, but no one really piques my interest. I also spend a morning on the sand, taking in the scenery—the ocean waves and the women. Okay, maybe the bikinis get my attention a little more if I’m being honest. And, if I’m being honest, I do spend a little more time than usual scoping out my surroundings for a certain cat with creepily wrinkled tan skin. I find myself peeking behind bushes and turning my head when I heard a meow.

But no luck. No Monticello. No chance at another night with Sage.

When Sunday rolls around, my day at the shelter, I have to admit there’s a little bounce in my step. Maybe Sage will need a shoulder to cry on. Maybe she’ll need a bed to wash away her sadness over her lost cat. Or, at the very least, maybe she’ll need a cup of coffee from a dilapidated building where no one will recognize her. Of the three choices, I know which one I’m hoping for—but I’ll take any of the above.

In truth, I spent a little more time getting ready, slicking the hair back just right. I traded in my typical shelter outfit of sweatpants and a T-shirt for some nicer fitting jeans. I put on some extra cologne.

I get to the shelter and Janice gives me instructions, showing me to the new intake area where I can help get a few new pups settled in.

“Sage here yet?” I ask, trying to be nonchalant.

“She’s not coming in today,” Janice says, smiling.

I try to keep a poker face. Apparently I fail.

“She’s a special one, that Sage, isn’t she? It’s rare to find a woman who is pretty, super successful, but super sweet, too. None of that fame and fortune went to her head, you know? I do hope she can find someone who appreciates that,” she says, winking at me.

“Yeah, she seems okay,” I say as I lean down to let Chopper, a tiny Yorkie, out of his kennel and take him for a walk.
