Page 114 of Wrath

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Vexia whispered one word, and it hung in the hall like a death knell. “Haziel.”

“Exactly!” Shade snapped his fingers and pointed to her. “You want that angel. And what are you doing about it?” He glanced at Vexia.

She crossed her arms. “Nothing.”

“Two out of two.” Shade threw her an approving look. “Except maybe a little brooding, and it’s not a good look on our boy.”

The two of them infuriated him, and Vexia’s betrayal stung like salt in his wound. “She chose to return with him.”

“Yes, she did.” Shade nodded. “But when has Satanus, the hell prince of wrath, ever let a thing like an archangel stand in his way.”

Vexia was right there with the answer. “Never.” She sighed. “Until now.”

Chapter Forty

Wrath cursed himself for being all kinds of an idiot. He’d been in this position before, and it had cost him his heart and his pride. Still, he entered Ramiel’s demesne and waited at the portal for Ramiel’s host to recognize his presence.

A seraph appeared, wings out, sword brandished. “What are you doing here, hell prince?”

Wasn’t this going swimmingly? “I’ve come to see Ramiel.” Wrath held the angel’s stare. Feathery fuckwit had best think long and hard about his future if he sought to challenge him.

The seraph landed before him but kept his wings extended. “Ramiel is not expecting you.”

“Well.” See, this was the problem with angels—arrogant and entitled, every last one of them. Well, maybe not every one of them. Suppressing the desire to rip off all six of the seraph’s wings and shove them up his tight ass, he played nice. “It wouldn’t be a surprise visit if he did.”

The seraph eyed him suspiciously. “Wait here. I will check if he will see you.”

Yeah, nope, that wasn’t going to happen. Wrath released his wings and took to the air.

“Oy!” The seraph yelped and followed him. “You. Hell prince. Stop.”

Nope, he wasn’t going to wait around like some supplicant at his master’s gate while an underling sought permission for him to enter. The seraph may be able to keep up with him flying, but if it came to a fight, the ponce was seriously outclassed.

Another three seraphim popped into the air beside him. And then another twenty.

Well, now the odds were looking a little more even. Not much, but hey, he was feeling amicable. He’d give them a few free blows before he showed them why lesser beings did not mess with a hell prince. Especially not a hell prince on a mission.

Seven of the seraphim formed an attacking position and dived for him.

Wrath blasted them out of the air. Not hard enough to end them, but certainly hard enough to leave a mark. He spat white and silver feathers out of his mouth and kept flying for Ramiel’s palace.

The palace was no big surprise, given the tightwad who owned it. Low and sprawling, it lounged in glaring white across the top of a green hill. Built of flowing, pleasing lines and perfectly symmetrical, it made him want to take a shit on the walls, just to put something out of place.

Ramiel appeared on a balcony central to the complex and stared up at him.

He must have given some instruction to his angels because they kept pace with him but there were no more attacks.

Back winging, he landed on the balcony beside Ramiel.

The air stirred as seraphim landed all around them. Vexia had wanted to come with him, but he’d refused. He wasn’t here to make war. Not yet, at least.

“Satanus.” Ramiel raised a brow. “Nice of you to drop in.”

Wrath gestured to the seraphim around him. “Get rid of the pigeons.”

Waving a hand, Ramiel dismissed his host.

The one who’d met Wrath at the gate gave him a glare as he went.
