Page 115 of Wrath

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Wrath flashed a grin at him. Yeah, food chain, shithead. And he was on the top.

“How is your seal?” Crossing his arms, Ramiel studied him.

Wrath was okay with getting the pleasantries out of the way first. “Eddie’s repair is holding, for now, but we need to find a permanent solution.”

“Hmm.” Ramiel pursed his lips. “And the other seals?”


Nodding, Ramiel said, “We are making some headway into researching seal repairs, but nothing definite yet.”

“Not going to invite me in?” Wrath gestured to the open glass doors behind Ramiel.

“I’m considering it.” Ramiel shoved his hands in his pockets.

It had taken Wrath a few days to arrive at his determination to come here, and he wasn’t going to be turned back now. He strode for the doors.

Ramiel stepped into his path with a growl. “Wrath.”

“You know why I’m here.” He met Ramiel’s gaze. “And after what you did, you owe me the courtesy of listening to what I have to say.”

Ramiel chuckled grimly. “Or what?”

“Or I level this place around your ears.” Wrath didn’t make the threat lightly. He was here to see Haziel, and he wasn’t leaving until he did.

“Try it.” Ramiel scoffed. “You think I’m going to stand by and let you do that?”

“I think you’d try to stop me,” Wrath said. “But it doesn’t have to come to that.”

A long, tense moment passed as Ramiel stared at him. Finally, he nodded and motioned Wrath to follow him inside.

The inside was as white and antiseptic as the outside. All this white would give him a ball ache before today was over. He couldn’t picture Haziel in this sterile environment. She was so full of life and fire. She was color, vivid and fascinating.

Ramiel surprised him by foregoing the ostentatious white throne on its white marbled dais—Ramiel really had committed to the theme—and led them to a smaller seating area to the right. He lowered himself into one of the three—you guessed it—white armchairs and motioned Wrath to take the other.

An angel appeared and put refreshments in front of them. The color of the biscuits, cheeses, and fruit seemed almost garish against everything else. Thankful he didn’t have to choke down a glass of milk, Wrath accepted a glass of ruby wine from the angel.

“I can guess why you’re here.” Ramiel crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair. He held his glass of wine up to catch the light. “But why don’t you tell me anyway?”

“I want to see her.” Wrath sipped his wine and was surprised by Ramiel’s excellent choice of vintage. The Cabernet Sauvignon rolled across his tongue in a burst of blackberries and tobacco.

Ramiel tilted his crystal goblet and studied the red refraction of the wine against the crystal goblet. “Why?”

“There are things I must say to her.” Wrath wasn’t going to have this conversation with Ramiel. Haziel wasn’t some kind of medieval serf who required her lord’s permission to speak with him. Neither was she some female chattel that he needed to approach through her nearest male relative. “There are things that I would say to her and her alone.”

Ramiel hummed and sipped his wine. “You see, Wrath, we’re at a bit of an impasse here.”

“What?” It made his butt clench the way angels always had to make word games of a conversation and couldn’t come right out and say what they were thinking.

“I’m going to guess you’re here because you have strong feelings for her.” Ramiel gestured around them. “I can count on one hand the number of times you’ve been here, and those were only because we had urgent matters to discuss. The serious intent behind your visit is not lost on me.”

Didn’t that make Ramiel a super brain. Irritation had him finishing his goblet before he tossed it at the fucker. “If I speak to my feelings, I will speak those words to Haziel.”

“Fair enough.” Leaning forward, Ramiel topped up his glass. “But let us speak first.” He took a careful breath. “What I did to Haziel, putting her at risk like that, it was wrong.”

“Damn fucking right it was.” Wrath would still like to rip Ramiel’s head off his shoulders over that. Actually, he pretty much always wanted to perform a beheading on Ramiel. “If I hadn’t been with her, she would have…” He couldn’t say the words. The idea of a being of such light and joy ending did not bear even considering for a fleeting moment.

Ramiel met his angry stare. “You’re right. I fucked up, and I have no excuse, other than that I am a jealous ass.”
