Page 24 of Of Faith & Flame

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The apartment wasn’t as big or as cohesive as Evelyn’s apartment back in Nua and far more colorful than her usual monochromatic color choices, but it possessed charm, and a sense of home flooded through Evelyn, like the space anchored her in rightness.

As if this was right where she was supposed to be.

The front door eased open. Her stone wards, the first items she’d situated in each corner, glowed with a faint green light. Still in their spots, they didn’t rattle with alarm. Aster’s head peeked through, and the stones’ green glow dimmed back to black.

No threat to tarnish the smidge of sanctuary Evelyn had gained.

Aster let herself in. “I come with a gift.”

Evelyn found she liked the earth witch’s company. Positive, bubbly, and beautifully kind. With her magic and personality, Aster and Pages and Leaves would flourish in Nua. Evelyn could envision it already, lines down the block in the shopping district, witches bursting to meet Aster Arkwood and snag a new book and plant.

Aster handed her a green and white spotted plant, three vines of heart-shaped leaves cascading over the edge of a squat pot.

“A pathos—my favorite.” Evelyn took Aster’s gift, lifting and spinning it. “How did you know?”

“I may have noticed you staring at one the first time you visited the shop.” She shrugged. “They also symbolize good luck and fortune, and I figured it would fit with your new apartment.”

“Thank you, Aster. It’s perfect. Now, you’re the expert—where should I put it?”

Aster smiled, eyes glowing as she did so, pleased with herself. She pointed to the bay window. “Closest to the sun. Water it once a week and it’ll be a happy camper.”

Evelyn tiptoed past her kitchen, and Maxie emerged from under the sofa, meowing. She danced between Evelyn’s steps, gazing up at the pathos with bright eager eyes.

“Don’t you dare eat this, Maxie. It’s a gift from a friend.” Evelyn peered down at her familiar, brow raised in command.

Maxie hmphed, her eyes slitting to slivers of yellow as if insulted Evelyn would insinuate such a thing.

Below, Callum’s shops bustled with activity. The promise of a rain shower approached over the distant hills while the sun beamed over the bay. Thrilled to have her first decoration, Evelyn proudly placed the pathos in the center of the wide windowsill. Maxie jumped up and, despite the mischievous gleam in her eyes, hunkered down into a sleeping position next to the pathos, yawning her way into a second nap. The sight made Evelyn think this was indeed, at least for now, home.

Evelyn sighed. What a cruel notion to hold on to. She would be leaving after she killed the vampyr. She knew that.

“Again, Aster,” Evelyn said. “Thank you.”

The fellow witch walked around the apartment. Dressed in velvet emerald overalls and a mustard turtleneck, she made Evelyn think of Blair’s own colorful fashion sense; she and Aster would get along well. Evelyn missed her sister’s bold clothing statements. She’d always wished she had enough courage to stand out like that. Her title as Daughter of the Goddess brought enough attention as it was, so she’d always chosen clothing to help her blend in. Aster’s red hair and matching rain boots tucked under her overalls did no such thing. What fashion had Blair worn these last two years? What sort of fashion fads in Nua had come and gone?

Aster skipped past her, twirling through Evelyn’s apartment with wide, russet eyes.

“The place is coming together nicely, and the apartment looks good on you.”

“As my new landlord, you have to say that,” Evelyn said.

Aster shrugged. “Not landlord. I’m your new friend. Who you happen to pay every month.”

They laughed for a moment.

“All right then, friend,” Evelyn said and meant it.

Aster teetered, a faint blush overtaking her freckled cheeks. “I have to meet my parents halfway today. They grow the saplings of the plants I sell at Pages and Leaves on their farm. I wondered if you wanted to join me? Figured you could ask townsfolk questions along the way.”

It wasn’t a bad idea. So far, Evelyn hadn’t had the time to ask around Callum yet. Cyrus had started scoping out the land and town with Commissioner Doyle, searching for places the vampyr could be hiding out in. Joining Aster would help while they waited to talk with the McCarthys.

Evelyn gathered her cloak and boots, readying herself for a day of walking. “Actually, I’d love to join you.”

“Perfect!” Aster jumped up and down, clapping her hands in delight.

Evelyn smiled as they left her apartment and began journeying outside the town. She enjoyed the company, having a fellow witch by her side after so much time.

Evelyn’s enjoyment quickly turned into frustration. She and Aster had traveled the merchant’s path, a wide road big enough for horses, wagons, and carts to travel into Callum, brimming with farmers, traders, and merchants alike. But no matter how many she talked to, she gained no insight.

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