Page 20 of Braking for Daddy

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I pulled him back to my chest and kissed him. Softly at first and then more urgently as all of my fears came back to me from the past twenty or so hours. “I will always be here to clean you up, baby. But you promised to be careful, and then you made some decisions that put you in a very dangerous situation.”

He swallowed hard as he pulled back an inch and looked at me. “I know. I’m sorry.”

I considered whether or not to punish him, but it didn’t feel right. Ultimately, he didn’t do anything wrong. He called me as soon as he knew there was a problem, and he was okay. Besides, we just felt too new for me to dole out any kind of negative consequences. I only wanted happy times with Max for now.

“Am I in trouble?” He sucked in a deep breath and held my gaze. “Are you really mad at me?”

I closed my eyes and counted to five to compose myself. “I’m really mad that some assholes took advantage of you and hurt your friend, but I’m not mad at you. You did the right thing and didn’t break any rules. I’m mostly just grateful you weren’t hurt.”

He nodded. “Is Augie gonna be okay?”

I’d gotten a text from his sister a few hours earlier saying that she took him home and he was basically fine. He didn’t remember anything after they got to the hotel, so that helped his mental health. “They haven’t received all the test results, but he should be okay. Depends on how much he remembers and how that affects him over time.”

Max scooted back to me and draped his body over mine. “Is it time for us to go to the clinic yet?”

I grinned, happy to be able to move on to a lighter topic. “I think they should be ready for us. Wanna grab something to eat and head over?”

“Let’s drive through somewhere and then come back here.” He pressed his hard-on against my thigh, impressing upon me the urgency in the matter. “I can’t wait much longer.”

Neither could I.

In just a few short days, my entire focus had changed from being about work and just existing to Max and being what he needed from me.

A friend, a protector, and soon, a lover.



Our test results came back clean, as we expected, and it was difficult to even think about food when we had a more important hunger to sate.

But I picked up a couple sandwiches on the way back to Max’s place so we’d have something to eat later on. I didn’t think either of us would want to waste time in the kitchen when we had so many days of anticipation to finally fulfill.

We dropped the bag of food on his coffee table and kept walking until we were in his bedroom. As soon as we stepped over the threshold, Max threw his arms around my shoulders and kissed me hard, demanding my tongue as if there were any chance I would withhold it from him.

“Damn, boy. You’re killing me.” I lifted him up by his thighs and walked the few feet toward his bed before gently lowering him onto it. “Slow down, baby. We have all day.”

“Mm. Can’t go slow.” He reached down for my cock and squeezed it through my jeans. “I want you so bad, Daddy.”

Well, shit. Why did he have to go and say it like that?

My lips became as hungry and demanding as his until I forced myself to pull away long enough to slip his shirt off over his head and reach for the buckle on his jeans.

“Just worry about getting your own self naked.” Max swiftly yanked his jeans off his body and dropped them to the floor in a fluid motion. “Some of us have preplanned for this moment.”

My arms halted for a second—mid-yank of my shirt over my head—as I processed his words. “Preplanned?”

Max just grinned and waggled his eyebrows. “I told you I don’t want anything to slow us down. Not even prep.”

Holy fuck. I slipped my thumb underneath the waistband of my jeans and boxers and dropped them to my ankles, slipping off my socks and shoes as I stepped out of them. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“Take a look and find out.” Max planted his feet on the mattress and bent his knees so all I had to do was spread them apart to get a good look at him.

My breath hitched when I saw the bright pink base of a plug poking out of him. “Baby…”

He lifted his ass off the mattress, pointing it right at me. “I’m ready for you, Daddy. It’s time to fill me up.”

“Fuck, you’re such a good boy.” The best boy. The only boy.
