Page 10 of Captivated

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Chapter 5

Trigger watched Harley rush away from him, knowing he’d pushed as far as he could today. The last thing he’d expected was to kiss her, but it had felt like the right thing to do in the heat of the moment. The fact that he hadn’t bent her over the bar and fucked her until neither of them could move was testament to his restraint.

And not just because she had a banging body, either. Yes, the way her jeans curved around her ass begged for him to grab it all the time. The graphic tees and tanks that she wore emphasized yet covered the breasts he wanted to lavish attention on. But it was her brown eyes that had sucker punched him the first time he’d seen them.

The only way he could describe the shade was as cinnamon. But the shadows he’d seen in them made him want to protect her with every fiber of his being. She did a good job hiding her fear from most by covering it up with her spunk, but she hadn’t fooled him.

Then, once he’d discovered that she had been mixed up with Ice, it all made sense. While she’d settled some, she was still a flight risk. There was no doubt that he’d have to sleep with one eye open around her. Not because he was afraid she would kill him, but because he knew without a doubt she would run. More than likely straight into danger and then he’d be the one having to murder someone.

“Whatever you do, don’t hurt her. She’s more fragile than most realize.”

Trigger turned at the sound of Blue’s voice. He was surprised to find her alone. Rock and Stone had been extra protective since finding out she was having their kid.

“How long have you been standing there?”

“Long enough,” she replied. “Thank you for respecting her boundaries. I know that doesn’t always come easy.”

Trigger remained quiet as he rubbed the back of his neck. To say he was frustrated would be putting it lightly.

“It doesn’t,” he admitted. “Is she going to try to run?”

Blue walked over to the bar and sat down on a stool. “It depends on how hard you push. You scare her, with good reason. To her, you are everything that Rock and Stone used to be to me.”

He reached inside his cut and pulled out a cigar. “What’s that?”

“Something that I wanted more than anything in the world but was afraid to reach for because I wasn’t used to having anything good. Didn’t even know if I deserved it.”

He frowned at her loaded statement as he removed the wrapper. “What do you know that I don’t?”

“Nothing that I can tell you without breaking the rules of friendship,” she admitted. “But everything she will tell you if you ask, and she feels she can trust you with the information.”

Trigger pulled out his lighter, then froze. “Fuck, Blue. Sorry, I almost forgot.”

She smiled. “I don’t expect you to stop smoking because I’m pregnant. We just need to do it in a more ventilated area.”

“Is that why you’ve stopped coming to the clubhouse?” he probed.

“Yes and no. I am still here. I just don’t come into the main room. I tend to hang out in the kitchen.”

“But if we stopped smoking, you could?”

She nodded. “Yes, but I’m not making that demand of anyone. I don’t expect anyone to change simply because I’m expecting.”

“You shouldn’t have to. You’re Prez and V.P.’s first lady. It’s a given. I’ll put the word out.”

Blue shook her head. “Don’t do that. I told Stone and Rock not to mandate it either.”

Trigger stared at her, and Blue laughed.
