Page 11 of Captivated

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“Damn, you all are stubborn. It’s okay. Really. Besides, my mini-me keeps me so exhausted that I don’t last long once the sun goes down. I feel bad because it means that either Rock or Stone must also call in early.”

“Your mini-me?” Trigger quipped.

“Yep,” she replied. “I’m definitely the prettiest one of the trio, so I’m hoping that any kid I have looks like me.”

The corners of Trigger’s mouth curved upward. “I’m sure they’ll have something to say about that.”

“We don’t,” Stone interrupted as he entered the room. “Sorry, Blue. I know you asked for twenty minutes, but the thought of my enforcer hogging you for that amount of time just didn’t sit right with me.”

“Prez,” Trigger greeted with a chuckle.

Blue rolled her eyes before tilting her head to meet Stone’s kiss. His hand slid down to Blue’s waist. A move that had become more common since they’d returned to the compound.

“It’s okay. Trigger and I were finished,” Blue admitted.

“Everything good?” Stone asked.

Trigger nodded. “I told Harley that I’m making my claim official.”

Stone grinned. “She okay with that?”

“Fuck no,” Trigger grumbled. “I’m sitting here now trying to figure out what prospect to put on watch now to trail her ass.”

“Calamity,” Blue and Stone replied in unison.

Trigger’s eyebrows rose high on his forehead. “Something going on that I should know about?”

“He’s about the only prospect completely immune to Harley’s charms,” Blue admitted. “The rest she would probably be able to guilt into letting her at least get a head start.”

“Calamity it is,” Trigger muttered. “It appears I also need to have a word with the rest of the prospects and explain what it means if they aid her in any way.”

Stone chuckled. “I’m just glad you are finally making it official. It’s not like everyone around here didn’t know, but still.

Blue shook her head. “I don’t know why you are so excited. You must have forgotten my response to you and Rock once both of you made it known that you are officially claiming me.”

Stone gripped the back of her neck and pressed his forehead to hers. “It doesn’t matter how it started. Just matters how it ended.”

Blue grinned. “It’s not over yet. Our story is still unfolding.”

Trigger groaned playfully. “The two of you needed to get a room.”

“Not without me,” Rock interjected as he came around the corner.

“Fuck,” Trigger mumbled. “It’s like a damn love nest around here.”

Blue’s laughter was cut off as Rock drew her into his embrace and kissed her soundly before releasing her.

“Jealous,” Rock teased as he sat next to Blue.

Trigger shook his head. “Nope. Happy as hell for the three of you. Shit, everyone is. What the three of you have may be a little extreme to some, but it works for the three of you, and so who gives fuck.”

“Speaking of which, it’s time to have a party. A celebration regarding the successful expansion of Raven’s territory,” Stone stated.

“We discussing it at church tomorrow?” Trigger asked.

“Yes,” Stone confirmed.

“Good. That gives me time to come up with a plan to lock Harley’s ass down in case she runs.”
