Page 12 of Captivated

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He exited the clubhouse to the sound of Stone, Rock, and Blue’s laughter. They wouldn’t be for long. Harley was his. The explosive kiss between the two of them proved it.

Chapter 6

The raucous beat of hard rock music echoed through the dimly lit bar area of the clubhouse, mingling with the clinking of glasses and the low rumble of conversations. Trigger leaned against a wall, his gaze scanning the scene before him.

Behind the bar, Harley worked hard, popping the caps off beers and pouring drinks. She was well within her element. He didn’t know who made a better bartender between her and Blue. Truth be told, it was both of them. Unlike some of the bar keeps they’d had in the past, neither of the women imbibed the product at all, let alone until they were falling drunk.

As the thought entered his mind, a sweet butt stumbled by, giggling as she fell into the arms of a member of the Savage Souls. They’d invited several clubs tonight as a show of good faith. Truth be told, it made his eye twitch. He wasn’t happy about inviting people he didn’t know into his home, but he would suck it up for the good of the club.

He knew he should be mingling more, but he couldn’t because Harley hadn’t been herself for the past hour. Her brown eyes wary as she kept a cautious eye on the people milling about the room.

Then, it was his turn to stiffen when he saw an idiot approaching the bar. If memory served him right, his name was Piston, and his predatory grin revealed his intentions all too clearly.

Trigger’s grip on his beer tightened as he sensed Harley’s discomfort. He’d been in enough brawls to recognize trouble brewing, and he wasn't about to let anyone intimidate her.

Piston’s slurred words carried over the music. “Hey there, beautiful. You looking for a good time once you’re done back there?”

Harley’s lips tightened into a forced smile as she glanced over her shoulder. “I already have plans.”

Trigger’s jaw clenched. He had a reputation as a man of few words, but he was ready to speak the language of violence if it meant protecting Harley.

Piston’s laugh was oily, his gaze lingering on Harley’s form. “You do, huh? How about you make new ones and spend time with a real man?”

Trigger’s fingers flexed, his knuckles turning white. He downed the rest of his beer in one gulp and placed it on a table. The wood creaked under the pressure, but amazingly, the bottle didn’t shatter. But the dumb ass in his sights was too enraptured with Harley to notice impending danger.

Harley’s shoulders stiffened. “I’m not interested, and if you’re smart, you will walk away now before you get hurt.”

“Ah, a mouthy bitch. Just the way I like ‘em,” he stated as he lewdly adjusted himself.

Harley shook her head as she exhaled heavily. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Her gaze met Triggers briefly. “Don’t kill him, and don’t get blood all over the floors. I want to get in bed at a reasonable hour if possible.”

Trigger grinned as he pulled his gun out of the holster he wore at his side before slipping his cut over his shoulders and down his arms. Axel appeared out of nowhere as if he’d been waiting for shit to pop off and took both items.

He rolled his shoulders as he stepped closer, Piston finally becoming aware of his presence. The man spun on his heels, his eyes widening briefly before a cocky smirk fell into place.

“I believe she asked you to back off,” Trigger stated, his voice low and dangerous, a growl that cut through the chatter.
